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Alen Simonyan to Speaker of Parliament of Georgia: The high level of Armenian-Georgian relations is one of the important factors of ensuring security in South Caucasus
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At the invitation of the RA NA President Alen Simonyan the delegation led by Speaker of Parliament of Georgia Shalva Papuashvili arrived in Armenia on a working visit.

The meeting of the Speakers of Parliaments of Armenia and Georgia held in Dilijan began with a private talk, and then the meeting in expanded format followed.

Welcoming his colleague, the RA NA President congratulated the brotherly Georgia on granting the country a candidate status of the European Union and noted that it is an important for the whole region.

Alen Simonyan underscored that the deepening of the relations with Georgia is of strategic significance for Armenia and expressed hope that in the near future it will be possible to establish strategic partnership between the two countries.

Touching upon the effective cooperation in the economic sphere, Alen Simonyan highlighted the fact that the trade turnover and economic ties between Armenia and Georgia continue developing.

In this context the Head of Parliament spoke about the problems caused on different reasons in the Upper Lars checkpoint and underscored with satisfaction the efforts of the Georgian side aimed at facilitating the transit. In his turn the Speaker of Parliament of Georgia assured that in recent period rather positive processes were implemented in this direction.

Alen Simonyan referred to the regional security and challenges and reaffirmed that Armenia continues remaining faithful to the agenda of establishing peace and stability in the region. Regarding the Crossroads of Peace presented by Armenia, Alen Simonyan proposed Georgia to join this project.

“The high level of the relations between Armenia and Georgia is one of the important factors of ensuring security in South Caucasus. We highly appreciate the interest and efforts of Georgia in establishing peace and stability in the region. The Peaceful Neighbourhood initiative of the Government of Georgia is aimed at this very goal,” the NA President documented.

The Speaker of Parliament stated with satisfaction the continuous development of the Armenian-Georgian high level political dialogue, related to the successful collaboration in the parliamentary format also at the level of Committees and Friendship Groups.

In the context of the bilateral relations the RA NA President congratulated the sides on opening Honorary Consulate of Armenia in Rustavi recently.

Thanking Alen Simonyan for the invitation, Shalva Papuashvili underlined with satisfaction the efficiency of the format of bilateral parliamentary cooperation. The possible new formats of strengthening the cooperation between the parliamentary committees and staffs were discussed.

Regarding the regional problems, the Speaker of Parliament of Georgia stressed that they support the signing of peace treaty between Armenia and Azerbaijan, which can be a guarantee for the lasting stability and development in the region.

At the meeting ideas were exchanged on the immediate return of Armenian captives being held in Azerbaijan.

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