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Initiative aimed at improvement of legislative field is presented
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The necessity of the presenting package of drafts is conditioned by the adoption of the laws on Rights of Persons with Disabilities and on Person’s Functionality Assessment. From 2023 the system of the person’s functionality assessment is in effect in the Republic of Armenia. Taking into consideration the implemented reforms in the sphere of disability a need arose to amend the related laws for removing the existing inconsistencies.

On January 15, at the NA regular sitting the draft law on Amending the law on Medical Aid and Service of Population and the presented enclosed about three dozen package of draft laws authored by the Government were debated.

“It is proposed by three dozen draft laws to carry out harmonization in the legislative fields of related institutions,” the RA Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Tatevik Stepanyan clarified. The member of the Standing Committee on Labor and Social Affairs Gayane Yeghiazaryan presented the endorsement of the Head Committee on the package of drafts, proposing to vote for the legislative initiative.

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