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Sona Ghazaryan gives a speech at PACE Session: As representatives of the legislative power, we face numerous challenges when addressing initiatives related to freedom of speech
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T he member of the RA NA delegation to PACE Sona Ghazaryan  gave a speech at the Assembly sitting.

“Recently, there has been an increased focus on reports regarding the decline of democracy within member states. Instances such as restrictions on freedom of speech and the periodic arrests and imprisonment of journalists are indicative of democratic backsliding. These 2 reports have been discussed whether held in Paris or Strasbourg and I commend the reporters for their well-penned reports and insightful analysis.

In both committee meetings and in today’s discussion, my thoughts are consistently centered on how our organization, which stands for human rights, can effectively safeguard democracy. Democracy serves as the paramount defender and guarantor of freedom of expression, and guarantees the ability of journalists to conduct their professional duties.

As representatives of the legislative power, we face numerous challenges when addressing initiatives related to freedom of speech. It is noteworthy that initiatives, driven by positive motives, can sometimes result in negative consequences, underscoring the delicate balance required.

I find myself pondering whether conventional education equips individuals to confront contemporary challenges. Do graduates possess sufficient media literacy to differentiate authentic information from misinformation? Where do we fail both as a structure and at national level,” Sona Ghazaryan said.

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