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A new system of calculation of performance expenditures introduced by initiative
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The purpose of the package of drafts is to set united legal notions, to introduce effective and comprehensive toolset of protection of rights of the participants and concerned persons of the enforcement proceedings, as well as to fix necessary legal bases for the enforcement system. The RA Deputy Minister of Justice Levon Balyan said this, voicing the new draft law on Enforcement Proceedings and the amendments to the enclosed laws and codes.

“Continuing the policy of shedding burden of the citizens adopted by the Government, we are introducing by the package a new system of performance expenditures,” the rapporteur underscored.

According to the Deputy Minister a new mechanism is introduced, the two parties by mutual consent can reschedule, postpone the fulfillment of the obligation, change the order or the way of the fulfillment. Before it was possible only by a separate decision of the court, which required from a citizen additional cost and time.

It is completely introduced by the package of the drafts an innovative and ambitious idea, refusing the obsolete institute of the performance paper, by that exempting the citizen and the court from the phase of providing performance sheet not having content load.

According to the rapporteur, as a result, the loading of courts will essentially decrease.

A system of electronic notice of physical and legal persons is also introduced by the initiative of the Government within the framework of the enforcement proceedings.

The rapporteur answered the deputies’ questions, touching upon the management of the property of the banned and illegal origin, the study of the international experience in the sphere, the transparency of the auctions organized by the Compulsory Enforcement Service, the injunction imposed on the person’s banking account as a consequence of enforcement proceedings.

The co-rapporteur, the deputy Arpine Davoyan noted that by the initiative considerable amendments are made. According to Arpine Davoyan, by the adoption of the new law it is expected the predictability, the certainty of the legislation on the enforcement proceedings.

The initiative was debated at February 20 sitting of the Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs and was endorsed.

Young Professionals’ Parliamentary Program begins in National Assembly in 2024
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Work discussion on topic Local duties in Yerevan community regarding building permit rates for 2024
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Government proposes to review legislation on granting state awards and titles
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Subject of a crime directed against established order of military service will also be a person voluntarily included in RA defense
The RA NA deputy Alkhas Ghazaryan proposed amendments and addenda to the Criminal Code and the Law on Defense. According to the new regulation, during the military service, a person voluntarily enrolled in the defense of the Republic of Armenia in accordance with the law on Defense will be the subje...

New regulations are proposed in system regarding judges’ social guarantees
It is proposed to change calculating the amount of pension for the judge appointed in the position of the member of the Constitutional Court before July 1, 2014. The new regulations being proposed in the law on Constitutional Court were debated in the first reading at February 20 sitting of the NA S...

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