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It is designed to significantly improve regulations of field of gaming activities
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The main and key change is that, for the first time, a system will be introduced in Armenia, which will enable monitoring the legal requirements for all types of gaming through digital tools, both from the viewpoint of consumer protection and fiscal control. This was stated by the Chairman of the RA State Revenue Committee (SRC) Rustam Badasyan who presented the draft law on Regulation of Gambling Activities with the attached legislative package in the first reading.

The draft law on Regulation of Gaming Activities regulates the legal relations in the field of gaming activities, as well as defines state control over them. Gaming activities are defined as activities regarding the organization of gambling, internet gambling, bookmaking activities, lotteries.

During the Q&A session, referring to the regulations of the bill, Rustam Badasyan noted that a person himself can limit his participation in playing. “In other words, he can apply voluntarily and say that I don't want to use any gaming device and also online, if I register, block me. There is such a possibility. The entire online sector, live games and slot games will be under control. We know exactly how to control it, we know what the international standard is, we know how we will check the compliance with the international standard, we know how we will control the whole sector. I think that after the amendments and during the implementation phase, we will make sure that we significantly improved the regulations in the sector,” Rustam Badasyan underscored.

Armenuhi Kyureghyan’s question related to the presence of the billboards carrying out gaming activities in the prohibited places. According to her, such a billboard is now available in the area of Yeritasardakan Metro Station. “Why is that billboard there? Why is it not controlled?” the deputy asked. Rustam Badasyan said that actions will be taken right away and the results will be announced.

The SRC Chairman also stated that the advertisements were mainly transferred to the internet domain, where observations are carried out and proceedings are initiated.

“As for the restrictions, the draft expands the types and scope of restrictions,” the rapporteur said.

David Arushanyan presented the endorsement of the NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs.

The MPs who delivered speeches made a number of proposals. The raising of the age limit of those who have the right to bet and the increase of control in the field were considered especially important.

Giving an extraordinary speech, the NA Vice President Hakob Arshakyan considered it necessary to increase the age limit of those who have the right to bet. The NA Vice President also considered unacceptable the fact that there are bettors in the state system or in other institutions. “I can’t imagine that there is a person in our state system or with any business entity who is a gambler. It’s clear that their effectiveness will be at least several times less, not counting that it is ‘infectious’. If there is a gambler sitting in a room, the surrounding people will be ‘infected’ with that gambling. Please consider these proposals before the second reading,” he said.

In his final speech, Rustam Badasyan touched upon the proposals made and gave clarifications.

The proposals will be debated before being presented for consideration in the second reading.

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