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Parliament debates issue of electing Chairman of RA Public Services Regulatory Commission
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On February 28, the National Assembly debated the issue of the election of the Chairman of the Public Services Regulatory Commission (PSRC) of the Republic of Armenia. The Government nominated for that position Garegin Baghramyan as a candidate. The RA Minister of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure Gnel Sanosyan presented the candidate’s biography and the work activity.

Garegin Baghramyan was elected by the National Assembly Chairman of RA Public Services Regulatory Commission on April 19, 2019, and works in that position until now. In parallel with that work he teaches in National Polytechnic University of Armenia, he is a candidate of Technical Sciences, an Associate Professor. He was awarded a number of medals and other awards.

Gnel Sanosyan introduced the work of the Ministry with the Commission, positively assessing it.

Giving a speech, Gareghin Baghramyan thanked the Government nominating him as a candidate for that position for the second time. He touched upon the directions of the work done by the Commission during the previous five years, the tariff and the investment policy and the works to be done. “I express my readiness to contribute my work experience and knowledge to reach the goals for the benefit of our consumers and the development of our country in case of receiving your vote of trust,” the candidate underscored, summing up his speech.

During the Q&A session, Garegin Baghramyan referred to the deputies’ questions, which related to the investment policy, the inflated costs, the low quality of road construction works, the energy security issue, the rise of electricity tariff, which during the last 4 years increased by 20 percent, the existing problems of gas domestic service, the water quality, the gas calorie, etc.

The debate of the issue will continue on February 29.

In the last sitting, in accordance with the constitutional law the Rules of Procedure, the members of the Government answer the deputies’ questions.

Garegin Baghramyan was elected by the National Assembly Chairman of RA Public Services Regulatory Commission on April 19, 2019, and works in that position until now. In parallel with that work he teaches in National Polytechnic University of Armenia, he is a candidate of Technical Sciences, an Associate Professor. He was awarded a number of medals and other awards.

Gnel Sanosyan introduced the work of the Ministry with the Commission, positively assessing it.

Giving a speech, Gareghin Baghramyan thanked the Government nominating him as a candidate for that position for the second time. He touched upon the directions of the work done by the Commission during the previous five years, the tariff and the investment policy and the works to be done. “I express my readiness to contribute my work experience and knowledge to reach the goals for the benefit of our consumers and the development of our country in case of receiving your vote of trust,” the candidate underscored, summing up his speech.

During the Q&A session, Garegin Baghramyan referred to the deputies’ questions, which related to the investment policy, the inflated costs, the low quality of road construction works, the energy security issue, the rise of electricity tariff, which during the last 4 years increased by 20 percent, the existing problems of gas domestic service, the water quality, the gas calorie, etc.

The debate of the issue will continue on February 29.

In the last sitting, in accordance with the constitutional law the Rules of Procedure, the members of the Government answer the deputies’ questions.

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