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Sargis Khandanyan: We anticipate continued and stronger engagement from the European Union in the normalization process between Armenia and Azerbaijan
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The member of the delegation of the National Assembly to Euronest PA, the Chair of the Standing Committee on Foreign Relations Sargis Khandanyan gave a speech at the Plenary Session of the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly.

“Madam Chair, dear colleagues,

Allow me to extend my congratulations to our Ukrainian and Moldovan colleagues for the EU’s decision to open the accession negotiations, and to our Georgian counterparts for getting EU member candidate status. The last decision undoubtedly brings the European Union closer to our region, presenting a new reality and a wealth of opportunities.

Over the past two years, the relationship between Armenia and the European Union has experienced significant improvements in both quality and pace. I express my gratitude to our colleagues in the European Parliament for acknowledging the efforts and aspirations of the Armenian government in this regard, and for their unwavering support for our democracy and independence.

The deployment of the long-term European civilian monitoring mission to Armenia not only enhances Armenia's security architecture but also fosters opportunities for cooperation in the security sector. I am optimistic that a decision regarding access to the European Peace Facility will be reached soon too.

We are also eager to start the visa liberalization dialogue at the earliest opportunity and remain committed to fulfilling our part of the job under the CEPA, as well as pursuing joint initiatives in connectivity, the energy sector and more.

Armenia also anticipates continued and stronger engagement from the European Union in the normalization process between Armenia and Azerbaijan. In this regard I express my appreciation for the resolution adopted by this Parliament on March 13, on closer ties between the EU and Armenia and the need for a peace agreement between Azerbaijan and Armenia. This resolution accurately reflects the evolving dynamics and positive developments in the relationship between Armenia and the European Union, as well as the guiding principles of the peace process and negotiations between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

Paragraph 16 of this resolution clearly expresses the principles that should form the basis of normalization and future peace agreement.

My colleague has already spoken about these principles. I just want to add that these principles have been agreed and reconfirmed between the leaders of Armenia and Azerbaijan during the negotiations of the past two years. Armenia at the highest level reconfirmed its commitments to those fundamental principles for the normalization of relations as soon as possible. Regrettably, Azerbaijan continues to impose additional demands on Armenia and obstruct progress in the peace process.

It is imperative to underscore that adherence to the principles outlined in the Almaty Declaration is not only actual for the context of relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan but also fundamental for respecting the territorial integrity of Ukraine, Georgia, and Moldova,” Sargis Khandanyan said.

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