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Mariam Poghosyan: For in empowering our youth, we empower ourselves, and together, we can build a better future
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The deputy of the RA NA Civil Contract Faction Mariam Poghosyan took part in the Women Political Leaders (WPL) Summit held in Athens and gave a speech.

“Esteemed attendees, dear colleagues,

I would like to extend my gratitude to the organizers and hosts of this remarkable event. It is really an invaluable platform for women leaders to connect, collaborate, and bring positive changes within our communities.

As the youngest deputy in the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia I can actually state that today we face a pressing challenge: how to ensure that the voices of our younger generations are not just heard, but also integrated into political decision-making.

As politicians, it is of greatest importance for us to prioritize initiatives aimed at boosting the involvement of young people.

The key lies in increasing youth engagement in democracy, and there are several initiatives we can implement to achieve this goal.

First, we must recognize the power of education. By including civics education in school programs, we can equip our young people with the necessary knowledge and skills, give them the confidence to actively participate in democratic processes.

Moreover, we need to set up youth councils, advisory boards, and task forces where they can share their thoughts, and ideas, and work with policymakers on issues that concern them.

Also, we must invest in mentorship programs and leadership development initiatives that will empower them to be more active in their communities.

I truly recognize the importance of inspiring confidence in our young people and demonstrating the value of their participation in democracy.

As we move forward, let us commit ourselves to the noble cause of fostering an environment where diversity of thought is celebrated, and where constructive dialogue is encouraged. For in empowering our youth, we empower ourselves, and together, we can build a better future.

Thank You,” Mariam Poghosyan said.

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