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Arusyak Julhakyan: We must find an effective balance between the AI opportunities and risks
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The member of the RA NA delegation to Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), the member of the NA Civil Contract Faction Arusyak Julhakyan gave a speech at PACE Spring Session going on in Strasbourg.

“Dear Colleagues,

Artificial intelligence has rapidly transformed various aspects of our lives, presenting unprecedented opportunities along with significant challenges that demand our attention and careful consideration.

Let’s start with the opportunities.

AI can improve access to justice and legal services. Automated systems can assist individuals in understanding their legal rights, navigating complex legal procedures, and accessing legal information efficiently.

In terms of democracy, AI technologies can facilitate more inclusive and participatory governance. For example, AI-driven platforms can enable citizens to engage directly with policymakers, provide feedback on government services, and participate in decision-making processes.

Furthermore, AI can strengthen the rule of law by promoting transparency and accountability. AI tools can analyze government data to detect corruption, track public spending, and ensure compliance with legal regulations.

However, along with these opportunities, there are significant challenges that must be addressed.

One major concern is the potential for AI to infringe upon human rights, such as privacy and freedom of expression. AI systems that process vast amounts of personal data can raise concerns about surveillance and the misuse of information, especially in authoritarian regimes.

In the context of democracy, AI poses challenges related to misinformation and the manipulation of public opinion. AI-generated content, such as deep fakes and automated propaganda, can undermine trust in democratic institutions and distort public discourse.

To address these challenges and harness the full potential of AI for human rights, democracy, and the rule of law, several actions are imperative:

First: Governments must develop robust regulations and ethical guidelines for the development and deployment of AI technologies to ensure transparency, accountability, and respect for human rights. From this perspective the consideration of adoption of Framework Convention is particularly crucial.

Second: AI developers and practitioners should prioritize ethical considerations, including fairness, accountability, and transparency, throughout the entire AI lifecycle.

Third:Efforts to raise awareness about the implications of AI technologies are crucial. Empowering individuals with knowledge and digital literacy can enable informed decision-making and foster responsible AI use.

Fourth: Collaboration between governments, technology companies, civil society organizations, and academia is essential to address complex AI-related challenges comprehensively.

In conclusion, let me congratulate the rapporteur for this important initiative and the work done. We must find an effective balance between the AI opportunities and risks, and the adoption of this opinion on Framework Convention is an important step towards that goal.

Thank you,” the deputy said.

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