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Legislative initiative aimed at increasing effectiveness of budget programmes
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Introducing the periodic and regular assessment process of budget programmes is an important step in the context of programme budgeting reforms and will contribute to increasing the effectiveness of budget programmes: The RA Deputy Minister of Finance Vahan Sirunyan said.

At the sitting of April 22 of the Standing Committee on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs, the draft law on Making Amendment and Addendum to the Law on the RA Budgetary System was debated in the first reading.

The elaboration of the draft stems from the provisions of the second ‘Ministry of Finance’ section of the 2021-2026 programme of the RA Government, according to which, in order to increase the effectiveness and usefulness of the budget programmes, it is designed to introduce a regular process of budget programmes. In order to introduce the assessment system, the Concept of introducing the assessment system of state budget programmes was approved by the decision of the RA Prime Minister, and the Methodological guide for assessment of budget programmes was elabotared.

The draft proposes to establish the mentioned authorizing norm, reserving the authority of budget programme assessment to the RA Government.

The Deputy Minister of Finance also presented clarifications regarding the assessment function. “This is not a supervisory function, the assessment function will be an analytical work, and in fact, these reforms are combined with another reform. As we know, the Ministry of Finance is transferring its current financial and budgetary control functions to the State Control Service. In other words, we are trying to manage the process in the most optimal way,” Vahan Sirunyan said. According to him, the assessment methodology will be implemented on the basis of international experience. The methodology is mainly a process of analytical work, which involves international and local experts.

The draft was subjected to a legal, financial, economic and social examination by the Expertise and Analytical Department of the RA NA Staff, and during the sitting, observations on the results of the examination were presented.

The draft has been endorsed.

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