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Ambassador of the French Republic at National Assembly

On November 21 the President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia Mr. Tigran Torosyan received the newly appointed Ambassador of the Republic of France to Armenia Mr. Serge Smessow.

The President of the National Assembly wished the Ambassador success in his ambassadorial mission noting, that his officiating both in Armenia, France and Europe coincides with a period full of interesting events. Mr. Serge Smessow qualified his appointment as a difficult and honorable one considering the high level of French-Armenian relations in all spheres, the maintenance and development of which the Ambassador considers his main purpose. He noted that the Action Plan of the European Neighbourhood policy opens new perspectives for South Caucasian countries. This is an important political and economic step. The Ambassador highly appreciated the successes of Armenia in European integration processes noting, that this assessment is shared also in the European Union. Mr. Smessow assured, that from now on too France is ready to support Armenia. He especially stressed the importance of perspectives of regional cooperation, creation of free trade zone and settlement of conflicts included in the Action Plan considering those real opportunities of development.

The President of the National Assembly Mr. Tigran Torosyan touched upon the European integration processes and noted, that the signed document eventually has to prepare the country for joining the European Union, but a long and serious work is needed for that. Mr. Torosyan mentioned the economic successes of Armenia, but noted that political and social reforms yield to the economic reforms. Meanwhile in order to reach success in harmonic development these two processes have to go in parallel. For the regional cooperation the NA President stressed the importance of a clear position of the international community, without which the settlement of conflicts is impossible. For example, Azerbaijan finds, that first we have to solve the Nagorno Karabakh issue, then discuss the perspectives of cooperation, while Armenia prefers the creation of an atmosphere of mutual confidence and cooperation, which in its turn, will facilitate the settlement of the conflict. The NA President noted, that the European Union also has been established in this way. Upon the Ambassador’s request, Mr. Torosyan also touched upon the constitutional reforms and the Electoral Code. It was noted, that the reform of the Constitution is an important step on the way of democracy development, and that these reforms have already started producing positive results in the social-political life in the sense of deepening democracy. However, they will start to fully act after the parliamentary and presidential elections. The NA President said, that the Electoral Code with amendments to over 100 articles in conformity with the recommendations of CE and OSCE experts would be adopted through second reading after the made amendments about five months before the elections. In order to hold elections in compliance with the European standards, the NA President stressed the importance of not only the Electoral Code and the existence of legislation, but also the political will and the aspirations of political forces.

During the meeting the parties also touched upon the regulations of the Nagorno Karabakh issue. Mr. Smessow, noting that the Co-chairmen of OSCE Minsk Group are in Yerevan, expressed hope that it will mark a new positive stage. However, the Ambassador noted that in Armenia they refer to the perspectives of the settlement of the issue with pessimism. The NA President Mr. Tigran Torosyan qualified the position of the Armenian party not pessimistic, but realistic. He evaluated the work of Co-chairmen positively, especially in the latest period, when the principles of self-determination of nations and territorial integrity are not opposed, but compared. However, the NA President expressed doubt that Azerbaijan really wants to see the conflict settled, as the policy of deepening hatred towards Armenia and Armenians, the warlike declarations and the astronomical increase of military expenses continue there. According to the President of the National Assembly, the international community has to be more demanding towards fulfillment of undertaken obligations.

During the meeting issues of inter-parliamentary relations were also discussed.

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