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Mr. Göran Lennmarker in the National Assembly

On February 5, President of the National Assembly Mr. Tigran Torosyan received the delegation headed by the President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Mr. Göran Lennmarker. Ambassador Mr. Vladimir Pryakhin, Head of OSCE office, participated in the meeting.

President of the National Assembly Mr. Tigran Torosyan presented in detail the political life in Armenia, touching upon the works, which have been carried out after the constitutional reforms, as a result of which 27 laws from 51 submitted by the Government have been already adopted and before the completion of powers of this parliament the amount of the adopted laws will reach to 30-35. Mr. Tigran Torosyan, President of the National Assembly emphasized that henceforth the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia fully complies with European standards, and that Armenia undertakes steps from the view of the European integration, and noted, that from July 1, 2006, the RA citizens also got the opportunity of addressing the Constitutional Court (CC), (there have been already 200 applications from the citizens, whereas only 8 applications have been discussed during the activity of CC). As a result of the constitutional amendments, the parliamentary opposition also got the opportunity of addressing the CC, and two claims with positive decisions are already received. There were also other reforms as a result of amendments - in the systems of local self-government, justice, and the reforms in political system will come into force after forthcoming parliamentary elections. Mr. Tigran Torosyan especially emphasized the importance of holding the parliamentary elections according to European standards, as they are of exclusive importance for the further progress of the country.

President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Mr. Göran Lennmarker also touched upon the elections, noting their importance. In his opinion Armenia has all preconditions for such elections, he noted that Ms. Tone Tingsgård, Vice-President of the OSCE PA will head the Observation Mission, as the OSCE highlights the observers’ participation in the elections. He thanked the delegation of the National Assembly in OSCE for its active work and expressed hope, that the delegation will also have a big contribution during the forthcoming discussion of energy safety issues. In Mr. Göran Lennmarker’s opinion the Euro-integration is somehow a technical issue, the valuable system is the important one, which should be acceptable for all the countries. He also focused on the enlargement of parliamentary cooperation in the countries of the South Caucasus, noted that in some issues, (operation of seismic oversight, water and ore resources) the current cooperation should be strengthened through parliamentary diplomacy and dialogue.

Touching upon the election issues, President of the National Assembly Mr. Tigran Torosyan noted that in 2006 the National Assembly adopted the amendments of the Electoral Code, creating a legislative basis, which is a precondition of successful elections, if there is political will. He focused on (as he has already noted during the meeting with OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), Ambassador Christian Strohal) the establishment of the working group in the National Assembly with participation of all political forces, which will closely cooperate with the members of Observation Mission with the purpose of fast reaction and solution of each noticed problem.

Touching upon the parliamentary cooperation of the countries of the South Caucasus, Mr. Tigran Torosyan, President of the National Assembly reminded that in 2001 the meetings upon the initiative of the British organization Links with the members of the parliaments of Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan have started which later have developed into the Parliamentary Initiative of South Caucasus and 10 MPs from each parliament conduct plenary sessions twice a year, including sessions of the presidium (from each country - three MPs). Nevertheless, the Azerbaijani MPs feel constrained by the official position of the authorities of Azerbaijan according to which, so far the Karabakh conflict is not solved yet, any cooperation with Armenia is unreal and impossible. Besides, in Azerbaijan hate and war propaganda, spread of slanders and fabrications concerning Armenia proceeds. Mr. Tigran Torosyan, President of the National Assembly also touched upon the NK issue within this framework, noting that while that policy proceeds in Azerbaijan, the solution of the conflict really isn’t possible. Threats and appeals for war, deepening of hate propaganda at a level of state policy contradict 10 principles of OSCE Helsinki Final Act and testify that they do not want to see the conflict solved in Azerbaijan, otherwise they will try to prepare their society for the solution of the conflict. It is impossible to speak about the necessity of Euro integration, at the same time refusing from regional cooperation. President of the National Assembly highly assessed the work of the OSCE Minsk Group and noted that a good resolution was found, that can be in the basis of the conflict settlement: this is the comparison of two of 10 principles of the OSCE Helsinki Final Act – territorial integrity and the nations’ self-determination. Mr. Tigran Torosyan noted that Armenia is ready for cooperation but expects adherence to European values in all the countries and considers, that the NK issue is very sensitive, and the European structures should not sacrifice the principles to any purpose. President of the National Assembly expressed readiness for the establishment of inter-parliamentary cooperation - the realization of the meetings of the Presidents of the parliaments of the three South Caucasus countries under the aegis of OSCE PA, and during which it will be clarified if there is a real purpose for cooperation or not.

President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Mr. Göran Lennmarker also expressed readiness and gave assurances to deepen cooperation.

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