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Tribute to Andranik Margaryan’s Memory

On June 12 would be the 56th anniversary of Andranik Margaryan, Ex-Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia, head of the RPA. Mr. Tigran Torosyan, President of the National Assembly, Mr. Serge Sargsyan, Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia, members of the Government, deputies, statesmen, numerous public, political and cultural figures and relatives laid wreaths and flowers to Andranik Margaryan’s tomb in the Komitas pantheon paying tribute to the late Prime Minister’s memory.

Within the framework of the events dedicated to Andranik Margaryan’s 56th anniversary the presentation of the book "Adherent" was held, which presents the path that unforgettable Prime Minister passed. The memorial evening took place at the Chamber Music Hall.

Mr. Tigran Torosyan, President of the National Assembly, touching upon Andranik Margaryan’s patriotic activity noted in particular: “This is the first June 12 that we celebrate Andranik Margaryan’s birthday without him, but it is only without his physical presence because I’m sure that Andranik Margaryan is with us and he will be always with us up to the end of our life as he passed the way which should be measured not only by the few years that he lived on Earth, but the content that his life had. The content, which can give meaning to the much longer period of time, than we had honor and happiness to walk alongside him, to make friends with him, to enjoy his presence, to feel his care as a friend, a statesman, a political and state figure. I am convinced that Andranik Margaryan’s life will need more and more analyses as he became a unique high-ranking official, a person, whose brilliant image becomes more and more radiant, lightening our way, the path of our state, a man who has wholly burnt down, a man, whose life would be an example not only for us, but also for the future generation. Really, it can seem that the national heroes are born, and they live out of our times, but this is the case when we can fully say, that we were contemporaries of the national hero, the great statesman: a man, who could lead the government of the Republic of Armenia during the difficult period for our country almost half of the term of the existence of our state and who went on with his brilliant image in the difficult period for our country really endowing all of us that happiness, his friendship, the happiness of living with such a statesman. But this is not only the occasion for us for admiration and pleasure but should also be an example for the future generations and us. In this aspect, I would like to express gratitude to people who have not saved time and efforts to publish this book. Really, the remarkable book recreating Andranik Margaryan’s entire image was published in this short period of time. I am confident that there will be need of deep analysis of this period and the period related to Andranik Margaryan’s unique role, but this is the first and complete book about his life since his youth till his last days. It is an appropriate gift for his birthday. Once again I would like to express my gratitude to people who had participated in the creation of this book. Today is a joyful day, certainly, we are sad, we are excited, but we should repress all this in the same way as Andranik Margaryan could repress his feelings in the most difficult and crucial moments. Today, we should be happy and thank God that he had awarded us such state, political and national figure, that we had been his contemporary and had enjoyed the greatest pleasure of being his contemporary. And finishing my speech I want to say: “Happy Birthday!”

Mr. Gagik Minasyan, Chairman of the Standing Committee on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs, MP Razmik Zohrabyan, writer Edvard Militonyan, Armen Khandikyan, RA People’s actor, Archbishop Navasard Kchoyan and others paid their tribute to Andranik Margaryan’s memory saying a few words about him.

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