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Ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt at the National Assembly

On July, 18 Mr. Tigran Torosyan, President of the National Assembly, received Ms. Abla Abdel Rahman, Ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt to Armenia, on the occasion of the completion of her diplomatic mission.

Mr. Tigran Torosyan, President of the National Assembly, noted that though the Ambassador’s working years were fruitful in the view of the development of the Armenian-Egyptian relations, however, unfortunately, the inter-parliamentary relations were not active during these years. She expressed a hope that after May parliamentary elections the Armenian-Egyptian parliamentary friendship group will be set up in future on the way of the formation of the structures of the National Assembly, which will promote the establishment of the active parliamentary relations between two countries.

Ms. Abla Abdel Rahman, Ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt to Armenia, congratulated the NA President on the occasion of holding democratic elections in Armenia. She also emphasized the importance of deepening the inter-parliamentary relations, noting that during the meeting Mr. Robert Kocharyan, RA President, and Dr. Fathi Sururi, Speaker of the Parliament of the Arab Republic of Egypt, these issues were also debated. The Ambassador noted that the official visit of the President of the National Assembly to Egypt is her biggest desire. The Ambassador informed that the Egyptian-Armenian parliamentary friendship group with the National Assembly of Armenia functions in the parliament of Egypt, and the treaty on the inter-parliamentary cooperation was also signed in 1997.

Mr. Tigran Torosyan, President of the National Assembly, reconfirmed the invitation of the Speaker of the Parliament of the Arab Republic of Egypt to arrive in Armenia with the official visit. During the meeting other issues were also debated.

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