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Head of the OSCE Office in the National Assembly

On October, 26 Mr. Tigran Torosyan, President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia received the Ambassador Mr. Sergey Kapinos, the head of the OSCE Yerevan Office.

Congratulating Mr. Kapinos in connection with the appointment, Mr. Tigran Torosyan, President of the National Assembly expressed satisfaction for the relations with OSCE formed for years, having added, that life in progress brings forward new problems and new opportunities, the usage of which will lead to develop more the cooperation. Though the Electoral Code was qualified as giving an opportunity of elections under democratic standards to May parliamentary elections by the assessments of the international structures, nevertheless, there are certain lacks for which the draft amendments of the Electoral Code is put into circulation to improve the presidential elections, and it is already under discussion in the factions.

Ambassador Mr. Kapinos, the newly appointed Head of the OSCE Yerevan Office qualified his appointment in Armenia as honor and responsibility, noting that within the framework of the mandate the OSCE Yerevan Office is ready to work with various layers of the society, political forces and, certainly, with the authorities of the republic. Touching upon the cooperation with the National Assembly, Mr. Kapinos expressed readiness for financial and expertise support. Noting that the OSCE Yerevan Office is determined to work with new impetus, Mr. Kapinos informed the President of the National Assembly about the works being done at the office on the development of the further programs and asked to submit the proposals in case they are present. He said that the work and the quality of the adopted laws in the National Assembly is highly assessed in the OSCE and ensured that the experts of the OSCE are ready to bring their contribution in the process of the elaboration of the amendments and addenda of the drafts of the new laws. He also emphasized the importance of the presence of the effective mechanisms of the fulfillment of the adopted laws and expressed readiness for the support of their formation. As Mr. Kapinos assessed, the deepening of democracy in the countries of South Caucasus also creates opportunities for quicker, effective and peaceful settlement of the conflicts.

Noting the high level and conformity to the European standards of the laws created by the joint work of the experts of the OSCE, Venice Commission, the President of the National Assembly highlighted the joint elaboration of the bills already at an initial stage that will essentially promote the improvement of the quality of the drafts. In the aspect of the implementation of the laws the President of the National Assembly highlighted the citizens’ awareness about their content and their rights, noting that through the constitutional reform, getting an opportunity of applying to the Constitutional Court, they had already accumulated successful experience of protecting their rights for a year and a half.

During the meeting the sides also highlighted the successful realization of the judicial- legal reforms, which will promote the deepening of democracy and strengthen the protection of the citizens’ rights. Mr. Tigran Torosyan, President of the National Assembly noted that a number of laws are already under discussion in the National Assembly and are directed just to the implementation of the judicial-legal reforms. During the meeting an agreement was reached on the exchange of information and joint discussions.

The Vice President Mr. Vahan Hovhannesyan also received the Ambassador Mr. Sergey Kapinos, the newly appointed Head of the OSCE Yerevan Office.

Touching upon the activity of the office, Mr. Kapinos noted that they are going to carry out programs directed to the development of democracy, protection of human rights, development of economic, ecological, military-political and humanitarian spheres. The realization of the programs was also highlighted in the context of the regional stability and security. It was noted that in the nearest future the OSCE Yerevan Office initiates to carry out programs for the development of the small and medium entreprenuership and for the support of the police in Armenia. The Ambassador noted that the activity of the OSCE Yerevan Office was highly assessed during the meeting of the OSCE regional office.

Mr. Hovhannesyan, congratulating the guests for undertaking the mission, highly assessed the activity of the office, emphasizing the continuity in the realization of the programs in various directions.

Both sides highlighted the holding of the forthcoming presidential elections transparent and free. In this context touching upon the expected amendments in the Electoral Code in the nearest future, the Vice President of the National Assembly noted that the ARF faction made a speech on the package of its proposals. For preventing double voting the ARF offers to put a stamp in the voters’ passports, and post the voters’ lists after the elections on the walls of the polling stations.

The sides highlighted the cooperation of the OSCE Yerevan Office with the National Assembly and also other issues of mutual interest were discussed.

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