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Hovik Abrahamyan: “Speculation of the Tragedy of the Displaced Persons for Reaching Some Political Goals is Unacceptable”

On May 5 President of the National Assembly Mr. Hovik Abrahamyan received the Rapporteur of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) Committee on Migration, Refugees and Population, MP of the House of Commons of the Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Mr. John Greenway.

During the discussion Mr. John Greenway presented the aim of his visit to South Caucasus to the President of the Armenian Parliament, within the framework of which he studies the situation for his report in the PACE relevant committee on the theme Protecting the Human Rights of Long Term Displaced People in Europe.

Mr. Abrahamyan stressed that the Armenian authorities consider unacceptable the speculation of the tragedy of the displaced persons for some political reasons. He submitted to PACE Rapporteur the steps taken by the Armenian authorities for finding solutions to the concerns and needs of the hundred thousands of refugees, who settled in Armenia.

During the meeting the interlocutors agreed that it is prior to solve the problem of the refugees’ permanent dwellings, creating dignified conditions and substructure for them, to which the international community can seriously assist.

During the discussion the sides also touched upon the wide circle of issues of inner policy and security and stability of the region.

Mr. Davit Harutyunyan, Chairman of the Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs of the National Assembly, head of the Armenian delegation in PACE, also participated in the meeting.

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