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Spokesperson Nairi Petrossian to the President of the National Assembly Clarifies the Question of Armenpress Agency

How will you comment on the announcements on the opportunity of amnesty ascribing to the President of the National Assembly Mr. Hovik Abrahamyan?

While talking to the journalists the President of the National Assembly Mr. Hovik Abrahamyan has not excluded the opportunity of amnesty, expressing his good will. We’ll note that in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia the President of the Republic of Armenia is reserved the right to make such proposal, and only after that the National Assembly shall make an announcement.

President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia Hovik Abrahamyan Sends a Letter to OSCE PA President Joao Soares
On 14 May 2008 the 32nd Plenary Session of the Inter-parliamentary Assembly of the Commonwealth of Independent States was held in Saint Petersburg, during the opening ceremony of which Mrs. Bahar Muradova, Vice-President of the Mili Majlis of Azerbaijan, Head of the Azerbaijani delegation to OSCE PA...

Meetings of the Delegation Led by the Chairman of the Committee on European Affairs of the National Assembly of the Republic of Hungary Màtyàs Eörsi
On May 22 head of Armenia-Hungary Parliamentary Friendship Group Mr. Gagik Melikyan and the members of the group met with the delegation led by the Chairman of the Committee on European Affairs of the National Assembly of the Republic of Hungary Mr. Màtyàs Eörsi. The delegation was on a two-day...

President of the National Assembly Hovik Abrahamyan Receives the Delegation of the Hungarian Parliament
On May 22 the President of the National Assembly Mr. Hovik Abrahamyan received the delegation headed by the Chairman of the Committee on European Affairs of the National Assembly of the Republic of Hungary Mr. Màtyàs Eörsi.The President of the Parliament registered with satisfaction the enlivening, ...

Hovik Abrahamyan: “Croatia is Close to Armenia with Christian Values by Its History and Faithfulness”
On May 22 the President of the National Assembly Mr. Hovik Abrahamyan met with the President of Croatia Mr. Stjepan Mesic, who is on an official visit in Armenia. Vice Presidents of the National Assembly, Chairpersons of the Standing Committees and the heads of the factions also participated in the ...

Congratulatory Address from the President of the National Assembly Hovik Abrahamyan on the Occasion of Charles Aznavour’s 85th Anniversary
Dear Mr. Aznavour!Dear chansonnier!I warmly congratulate you on your 85th birthday!Your life and activity serve a vivid example for all of us, who try to enter into the sphere of song and music, stage art and cinema. Your unique poetic talent has given deep meaning and breath to your melodies.Being ...

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