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President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia Hovik Abrahamyan Sends a Letter to OSCE PA President Joao Soares

On 14 May 2008 the 32nd Plenary Session of the Inter-parliamentary Assembly of the Commonwealth of Independent States was held in Saint Petersburg, during the opening ceremony of which Mrs. Bahar Muradova, Vice-President of the Mili Majlis of Azerbaijan, Head of the Azerbaijani delegation to OSCE PA, delivered a speech on behalf of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly (OSCE PA).

President of the National Assembly Mr. Hovik Abrahamyan Mr. Hovik Abrahamyan sent the following letter to the OSCE PA President Mr. Joao Soares in connection with this speech.

“The 32nd Plenary Session of the Inter-parliamentary Assembly of the Commonwealth of Independent States was held on 14 May 2008 in Saint Petersburg, during the opening ceremony of which Mrs. Bahar Muradova, Vice-President of the Mili Majlis of Azerbaijan, Head of the Azerbaijani delegation to OSCE PA, delivered an incomprehensible speech on behalf of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly and instead of welcoming address represented distorted facts on Nagorno Karabakh conflict.

It is unacceptable that a member of parliament, who represents the state, which is a party of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict, seizes the opportunity of your welcoming address to disseminate false facts against Armenia and disinformation on Nagorno Karabakh conflict from such a high rostrum.

The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly always supported the regulation of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict through process of peaceful negotiations, a vivid example of which is the balanced stance and activities of Mr. Göran Lennmarker, Honorary President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, and Special Representative of the President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly on Nagorno Karabakh conflict.

I consider that such misconduct of the OSCE PA representative is absolutely intolerable and hope that the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly will secure its further balanced stance.”

Speech by RA NA President Alen Simonyan in the opening ceremony of at 10th Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians of Inter-Parliamentary Union
Distinguished Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia,Esteemed President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, Esteemed Secretary General of the Inter-Parliamentary Union,...

President of Inter-Parliamentary Union Tulia Ackson welcomes the participants of the 10th Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians of the Inter-Parliamentary Union
On September 12, the 10th Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians of the Inter-Parliamentary Union started in Yerevan.The President of Inter-Parliamentary Union Tulia Ackson welcomed the participants of the Conference.“I am deeply honoured to address you today at the 10th Global Conference of Yo...

Speech by Secretary General of the Inter-Parliamentary Union Martin Chungong at 10th Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians
During the 10th Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians of the Inter-Parliamentary Union Secretary General of the Inter-Parliamentary Union Martin Chungong, in his opening remarks welcoming the attendees, noted that their three-year dream has come true.“As of today Armenia is the youngest parlia...

10th Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians of Inter-Parliamentary Union. live stream
The live stream of the 10th Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians of the Inter-Parliamentary Union....

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