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Samvel Nikoyan, Vice President of the National Assembly Meets with the Representatives of the EU

On September 25, 2009, Mr. Samvel Nikoyan, Vice President of the National Assembly met with Ambassador Peter Semneby, EU Special Representative for the South Caucasus. The Head of EC delegation in Armenia, Ambassador Raul de Lutzenberger, Lithuanian Ambassador to Armenia Giedrius Apuokas, EUSR for South Caucasus TEAM Mr. Andrei Didenko, Political Advisor and Special Representative of EU, Political Advisor Mr. Mark Fossett participated in the meeting.

At the request of the guests, Mr. Samvel Nikoyan presented the works of the Ad-hoc Committee on the Events Occurred on 1-2 March 2008 in Yerevan and Their Reasons of the National Assembly, the main direction of the report and his intentions, related to the issue of current works.

According to Mr. Nikoyan the report was accepted more easily than he had expected, which was conditioned by a number of factors, the main one being that the committee was unbiased in its examinations of the events, related to March 1, had resolved the issues undertaken and gave distinct answers.

The committee always took into consideration the concrete sources while examining the facts, being far from willful comments and conclusions. That is why there was not a single serious criticism either from the power or from the opposition. For excluding the repetition of the events the committee presented some proposals in the report, related to the political, social-economic solutions, for the implementation of which it is necessary to create a monitoring group.

The committee highlighting the revelation of those guilty, at the same time presented some proposals, related to the future, for developing the present social and political situation of the country and for preventing similar tragic events.

Mr. Nikoyan said that the whole report will be soon translated into English and will be sent to international organizations and expressed hope that their opinion, related to the report will be objective and unbiased.

Mr. Semneby thanked the committee for the comprehensive and detailed work done, highly praising the preventive meaning of the report.

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