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National Assembly Continues the Work of the Four-Day Sittings
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On April 27 the National Assembly continued the work of the four-day sittings passing by voting all the bills submitted by the deputies of the ARF faction, which were debated in the previous sitting, after which the deputies continued to debate in the first reading the package of the legislative initiatives on Making Addendum to RA Law on Advertisement, on Making Addenda to RA Law on Protection of the Consumers’ Rights, which was interrupted on the previous day.

Schoolchildren of senior classes of a number of schools of Gegharkunik marz took part at the NA sitting within the framework of the Open Lesson policy.

The member of the NA Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture, Youth and Sport Karine Achemyan endorsed the bill.

In her final speech the keynote speaker, NA deputy Lilit Galstyan noted that the authors were ready to debate all the received proposals in the written form.

The Deputy Chairman of the State Cadastre Committee of the Real Estate Property adjunct to RA Government Ashot Musayan submitted to the parliament for debate in the first reading the RA draft law On Making Addenda and Amendments to RA Law on Administrative-Territorial Division of the Republic of Armenia, which refers to RA Tavush and Syunik marzes/provinces.

The Chairman of the NA Standing Committee on Territorial Management and Local Self-Government endorsed the bill.

Afterwards the parliament debated three agreements, which presented the RA Deputy Minister of Culture Artur Poghosyan.

The member of the NA Standing Committee of Foreign Relations Shirak Torosyan said that the agreements and the protocol enjoyed the committee’s endorsement, and by the conclusion of the Constitutional Court they do not contradict the RA Constitution.

Later the MPs began debating in the first reading the draft law submitted by the RA Government the RA draft law On Making Addenda and Amendments to RA Law on Administrative-Territorial Division of the Republic of Armenia, which relates to RA Aragotsotn, Gegharkunik and Lori marzes.

At the end of the day, according to NA Rules of Procedure, the MPs made announcements.

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