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On September 22 the Chairperson of RA NA Standing Committee on European Integration Naira Zohrabyan met with the Ambassador of the Netherlands Pieter Jan Langenberg and the Special Representative for the Eastern Partnership and Eastern Neighbouring Countries of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands Onno Hattinga van’t Sant.

During the meeting the parties discussed issues concerning Armenia’s European Integration: EU Neghbourhood Policy and Eastern Partnership programme. Upon the request of Mrs. Zohrabyan touched upon the negotiation process of Armenia-European Union deep and comprehensive free trade agreement. She said that the inter-departmental committee providing the negotiation process of Armenia-European Union deep and comprehensive free trade agreement had been created, noting the working groups, which should provide the fulfillment of the proposed problems. The Committee Chairperson detailed the issues of the economic obstacles and right of mental property. Mrs. Zohrabyan also gave information to the guests about the comprehensive programme of the state administration bodies’ development, noting that Armenia was actively involved in the formats of the Economic Integration and EU Policy Approximation of the Eastern Partnership platform. Presenting the work of the Armenian side in the formats of the platform, she noted that working groups on the issues of trade, nature protection, climate change, as well as small and medium entrepreneurship policy had been created.

The sides also touched upon Armenia-Turkey relations and the NK problem. Mrs. Zohrabyan once again stressed that Armenia was willing to establish normal relations without preconditions. She noted that at any moment, when there would be a political elite ready to establish relations with Armenia without preconditions, the Armenian Parliament would be ready to begin the process of the protocols’ ratification. Making reference to the decision of the Hague Justice Court in the issue of Kosovo independence that the one-sided declaration of the self-determination did not in any way contradict any international norm, Naira Zohrabyan once again reminded that the NK people declared its independence in accordance with once acting laws and international norms, and the decision of the Hague Court once again established that the declaration of that independence de jure was lawful, and the international community should recognize the independence of Artsakh.

In the course of the meeting other issues of bilateral interest were discussed, too.

The Chairman of the NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs Vardan Ayvazyan and the Deputy Chairman of the Committee Vardan Bostanjyan also met with the Special Representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands Onno Hattinga and the Ambassador of the Netherlands Pieter Jan Langenberg.

According to Mr. Hattinga, though this programme is anchored on several main provisions, as the democracy, protection of human rights and rule of law, but the idea of free trade zone is very much highlighted. He noticed that the participant countries had problems during the short term on the way of complying their legislation and economy with the European Union, but during the long term benefits would be expected.

Mr. Ayvazyan agreed with Mr. Hattinga’s view that in the political aspect the short term was fascinating, but in the economic sphere it could not have big results.The European integration process, which supposes from the compliance of the laws up to the compliance of the economic standards conditioned by the policy adopted by our country, is inevitable, but requires a thorough and consistent work, thus they are long-term processes. The problems are conditioned by the inner economic, as well as foreign or geo-political factors. Mr. Ayvazyan also introduced the guests with the economic sphere relating to the progressive steps taken in the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.

Issues concerning the natural and formed monopolies, free economic competitiveness, free competitiveness of state purchases, Armenia-EU economic cooperation and investment policy.

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