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Official Visit of RA NA President Hovik Abrahamyan to the Republic of Greece Continues
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In Athens on October 12 and 13 the meetings of the delegation led by RA NA President Hovik Abrahamyan continued in the Parliament of Greece.

The members of the Armenian Parliament met with the Vice President of the Hellenic Parliament Mrs Rodula Zisi, the members of the Standing Committees on European Affairs and Foreign Relations, Greece-Armenia Parliamentary Friendship Group.

Greeting those present RA NA President Hovik Abrahamyan noted that for Armenia Greece was a traditional friendly country, with which Armenia had historical and cultural ties, with the commonness of religious and spiritual, including the national features. High level of the political dialogue, as well as inter-parliamentary cooperation has been formed between our countries. In the NA President’s word, the present high level Armenian-Greek relations is the result of the numerous programmes, formed legal-contractual field, mutual visits of high level, which were called for life during the last years. Dynamically is developing the cooperation, especially in educational, cultural and military spheres. Despite the active development of political contacts, the trade-economic relations have big potential of development. In Hovik Abrahamyan’s word, for Armenia more boosting cooperation and its expansion with Greece in different spheres of economy is of certain importance. In this sphere, big role is reserved to the inter-governmental committee between Armenia and Greece. He expressed regret that the Armenian-Greek inter-governmental committee had convened a sitting since 2006. The NA President expressed conviction that the official visit of RA President to Greece scheduled in January 2011 would promote the activation of the political dialogue and development of the economic relations.

RA NA President stressed that one of the political priorities of Armenia was the integration into European family. It was noted that on July 19 the Association Agreement negotiations began in Yerevan. Works are carried out in the direction of preparation of the agreement on Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade. The cooperation within EU regional initiatives frameworks promotes the development of the relations with Armenia and EU member countries and parliaments.

The NA President also highlighted in different international and regional organizations, in particular, the rapprochement and mutual support of the parliaments of the two countries within the frameworks of the Council of Europe, OSCE, NATO and BSEC Parliamentary Assemblies. He expressed hope that the visit would boost and would be a new impetus for the activities of parliamentary groups, enlivening of cooperation and mutual visits at the level of the committees.

The Vice President of the Hellenic Parliament Mrs Rodula Zisi welcomed her Armenian counterparts and noted that the traditional friendship of the two peoples was a firm basis for developing and strengthening the political, trade-economic, scientific-cultural cooperation. She also touched upon the common destiny of the Armenian and Greek peoples, noting that the two peoples were obliged to leave their historical homeland and knew well what was the Diaspora. Every year on April 24 the Greeks together with Armenians mark the Armenian Genocide anniversary and honour the memory of the innocent victims.

Mrs Zisialso also highlighted the necessity of enlivening of the inter-parliamentary relations, noting that Hovik Abrahamyan’s official visit to Greece would greatly promote the deepening of cooperation.

The sides actively debated over the issues of the perspectives of the development of the inter-parliamentary relations, Armenian-Turkish relations, settlement of the Karabakh conflict and other issues of bilateral interest. The deputies Eduard Sharmazanov, Goharik Yenokyan, Ruzan Arakelyan, Hovhannes Margaryan submitted to the Greek counterparts their stances on the debating issues. They underlined the necessity of the further development of the friendly relations and in the context of activation of the relations highlighted the bilateral contacts. The importance of cooperation in the international cooperation and support was underlined. Both sides stressed that as parliamentarians they would do their best to more develop and strengthen the bilateral relations.

The delegation led by RA NA President Hovik Abrahamyan had meetings with the heads of political forces represented in the Hellenic Parliament. Successively, meetings were held with the Chairman of the Left Radical Coalition Group Alexis Tsipras, the Chairman of the New Democracy faction Antonis Samaras, the head of the Communist Party of Greece faction Mrs Aleka Papariga and the Chairman of the Popular Orthodox Rally Georgios Karantzaferis.

In the course of the meetings a wide scope of issues of bilateral interest were debated. The sides touched upon the Armenian-Turkish relations and the Karabakh conflict settlement. The Armenian and Greek MPs highlighted the activation of the inter-parliamentary cooperation and cooperation in the international different structures and stressed that they could adhere to each other’s support in the issues of importance for the two countries.

On October 13 the delegation led by Hovik Abrahamyan met with the President of the OSCE PA Petros Efthymiou.

The NA President expressed hope that during Petros Efthymiou’s tenure the warm cooperation established between the National Assembly of Armenia and the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly would continue and become more effective. He highly assessed the role of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly in the development of the inter-parliamentary dialogue, expressing conviction that the parliamentary diplomacy had assumed an important role in international relations. Hovik Abrahamyan noted that Armenia greatly highlighted the cooperation with OSCE, as well as the support of the organization in the process of ongoing democratic reforms in our country. He noted that RA National Assembly emphasized the effective cooperation with OSCE Yerevan Office and documented with satisfaction that it was laid on good bases, which during the years gave its positive results.

Hovik Abrahamyan emphasized the fact of keeping at the center of attention of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly the process of the peaceful settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict, and in this context he underlined the mediation of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs as the only and practical format of the negotiation process. Armenia had been consecutive for the settlement of the problem only through peaceful means and highlighted the establishment of the atmosphere of trust for continuing the negotiations through constructive way.

T he President of the OSCE PA Petros Efthymiou emphasized RA NA President’s visit to Greece, noting that centuries-long friendship of the two peoples was deepening and strengthening, to which the communities of the two countries greatly contributed. He highly assessed the cooperation between the OSCE PA and Armenian Parliament.

Touching upon the NK problem Mr Efthymiou stressed that the peaceful settlement of the issue had no alternative. He noted that the most active format of the settlement of the conflict was the OSCE Minsk Group, and the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly supported the activity of the Minsk Group. According to OSCE PA President, the issue should not be moved to another structure.

During the meeting other issues of bilateral interest were discussed. Mr Abrahamyan invited the OSCE PA President to Armenia, and the invitation was gladly accepted.

On the evening of October 13 the delegation led by NA President met the representatives of the Armenian Greek community. After the meeting the NA President took part in the reception dedicated to 19th anniversary of RA independence and gave a speech. At Hovik Abrahamyan’s invitation, the President of the Parliament Philippos Petsalnikos and the President of the OSCE PA Petros Efthymiou attended the reception.

On October 14 the official delegation led by RA NA President Hovik Abrahamyan will leave for Cyprus.

RA NA President Alen Simonyan visits Yerablur
The RA NA President Alen Simonyan, along with the President of the Republic Vahagn Khachaturyan, the deputies of the NA Civil Contract Faction and other high-ranking officials, visited the Yerablur military pantheon and paid tribute to the memory of those who died in the 44-day war.They laid flowers...

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