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Debates on the New Order of Technical and Demands Being Submitted to Transport Means in the National Assembly
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On April 20 the NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs presided over Vardan Ayvazyan held expanded debates on the decision of RA Government On Approving the Demands being Submitted to the Compulsory Technical Inspection Document (coupon) of the Transport Means of Non General Use in RA.

NA deputy Ara Nranyan presented the existing shortcomings in the RA Government, which did not give opportunity to exclude the corruption risks.

In response to the interpellations of the NA deputies and representatives of the technical inspection stations RA Minister of Finance Vache Gabrielyan expressed willingness to once again review the problem of expediency of the money being levied and distributed, and if possible, find more effective solution.

The NA deputies, the representatives of the Technical Inspection Stations of RA Ministry of Transport and Communication gave speeches on the issue.

Summing up the results of the debate the Chairman of the NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs noticed that there was need of the legislative settlement in this sphere, which would be implemented as a result of joint work of legislative and executive bodies. He also welcomed the willingness of RA Minister of Finance for reviewing the expediency of the money of technical inspection, as well as the possibility of reducing the payments being envisaged for licensing.

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