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Armenian-Turkish Relations: Problems and Perspectives: the Presentation of the Book in the National Assembly
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On April 22 the presentation of the book - Armenian-Turkish Relations: Problems and Perspectives was held in the National Assembly.

The Chairman of the NA Standing Committee on Foreign Relations had an opening speech saying that the collection is the summing up of the stenography of the parliamentary hearings, which were held on the initiative of the Committee. The book includes the reports sounded during the hearings, questions and answers and the important documents regarding the problem.

Highlighting the role of the Armenian-Turkish relations in the sphere of the foreign policy of our country, the speaker noticed that the issue was not limited with bilateral relations by its inclusion and importance, and had no important geo-political inclusion. The collection is designed for the state and public organizations concerned about the problem, specialists, wide layers of public and can be useful with respect to the development of the parliamentary diplomacy.

Mr Rustamyan thanked the NA Standing Committee on Foreign Relations, Eurasia Cooperation fund, International Development and Cooperation Agency of Sweden for supporting and assisting in publishing the book, historian Babken Harutyunyan for providing maps.

NA Vice Speakers Samvel Nikoyan and Samvel Balasanyan congratulated the Committee and its head Armen Rustamyan for publishing the second collection (the first collection refers to the Nagorno Karabakh) and expressed hope that the Committee from now also will continue the tradition putting on the reader’s table new publications concerning the problems of high importance for our country.

In their speeches the NA deputies Tigran Torosyan, Vahan Hovhannisyan, Artsvik Minasyan, Styopa Safaryan and RA Deputy Foreign Minister Shavarsh Kocharyan touched upon the past and present of the Armenian-Turkish relations, the importance of the book and expressed words of congratulation.

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