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RA NA Chairman's Official Visit to Republic of Poland Continues


On March 17 the parliamentary delegation headed by RA NA Chairman Artur Baghdasaryan and Ashot W. Cimoszewicz Hovhannisyan, Armenian Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Republic of Poland met Polish Foreign Minister Wlodzimierz Cimoszewicz. The parties discussed a wide range of issues. Mr. Cimoszewicz underscored Armenia’s desire to join the European Union and stressed that Poland, which will become an EU member on May 1, is the proponent of the open-doors policy. The official considered frequent meetings and political debates a vital step towards implementing the policy of integration into the European Union, and expressed his certitude that as such the NA Chairman’s official visit to Poland will have significant impact. The NA Chairman discussed cooperation between wojewodas and marzes of the two countries during a meeting with the Polish Foreign Minister. Mr. Cimoszewicz pledged commitment to assisting governors of the two countries, establishing ties among businessmen and discussing certain issues during his forthcoming visit to Armenia. The two parties also emphasized fulfillment of bilateral treaties, which will boost not only political but also trade-economic and scientific-cultural cooperation. The two sides pledged commitment to ensuring bilateral cooperation in the aforementioned spheres. Addressing the issue of Turkey’s accession to the European Union, Artur Baghdasaryan pointed out that Armenia doesn’t oppose it but is of the opinion that equal standards must be applied to all countries in terms of granting EU membership and the practice of applying double standards must be avoided.

Jerzy Jaskiernia, the Head of the Standing Committee on Foreign Relations of the Polish Sejm pointed Poseł Jerzy Jaskiernia out that Armenia is the country with which Poland ties everything and has nothing to divide. It is the executive branch of power that deals with foreign policy issues, however MPs also make their significant and priceless contribution to the matter. Mr. Jaskiernia credited productive work fulfilled by the National Assembly stressing that the steps taken grant a pass to the European Union.  Artur Baghdasaryan attached importance to assigning practical qualities to bilateral relations.

Poseł Jerzy Czepułkowski Jerzy Czepułkowski, the Chairman of the Sejm European Committee on Foreign Relations, briefed on the 15-year-long road Poland covered as a candidate to the EU membership. Despite the fact that Poland’s accession to the European Union was approved at the referendum, the society isn’t unanimous on the matter, Mr. Czepułkowski pointed out. Poland has adopted over 300 laws in the meantime in order to comply the Polish legislation with the European standards.  The Polish side agreed to send National Assembly the list of the laws ratified as well as the laws, which the Armenian party might find of use.  The parties also reached an agreement on partnership of relevant committees. Armenian and Polish officials attached importance to developing inter-parliamentary relations seeking to promote economic partnership. As such, the sides proposed to establish economic representations in order to promote economic partnership.

RA NA delegation participated in a Sejm sitting: the Polish MPs gave the Armenian delegation a warm welcome applauding them.

Armenian delegation members considered issues related to promoting cooperation during the meeting Rozmiar: 8582 bajtów with Longin Pastusiak, Polish Senate Marshal. The sides reached an agreement to rename one of Armenian schools after the Republic of Poland in a token of Armenian-Polish friendly ties. Polish language will be taught at the school. The parties also discussed issues related to Polish community in Armenia and Armenian community in Poland the course of the meeting.  The two sides also commended the proposal that the two Parliaments appoint scholarship and student exchange programs be carried out within the framework of educational-cultural partnership. Mr. Pastusiak pledged commitment to maintain partnership with Armenian delegations within the framework of international bodies.

During the meeting with Polish Prime Minister Leszek Miller NA Chairman addressed development of bilateral economic ties. The parties emphasized the significant economic potential, which isn’t used to the comprehensively and trade turnover volumes. The Polish and Armenian officials proposed to set up intergovernmental economic committee which will boost partnership in educational, cultural, health care, agricultural and other spheres deepening relations among regions, i.e. Polish wojewodas and Armenian marzes.

During the meeting with Polish President Alexander Kwasnewski the parties weighted promoting bilateral interstate relations. The sides pointed out that high-level relations between the two Presidents represent fair bedrock to ensure prospective progress in bilateral relations. Mr. Kwasnewski credited efficient work of the RA National Assembly and wished success in legislative and political activities.


On March 18 Armenian delegation will leave for Lublin and then Zamosc. The delegates are scheduled to meet Lublin wojewoda’s marshal and mayor as well as Zamosc’s mayor.


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