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EPP Delegation Has Meetings in the Parliament
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On November 22 meetings took place between the parliamentary four factions and the delegation of European People’s Party (EPP) in the National Assembly.

Aram Safaryan, Secretary of the Prosperous Armenia Party faction, welcomed the EPP delegation in the name of the party and its leader, expressing willingness to create all the opportunities for having the whole picture of the activity and the structure of the party. Highlighting this meeting the speaker has noted that the deepening of cooperation with the EPP is one of the political priorities of the Prosperous Armenia Party /PAP/. The member of the faction Naira Zohrabyan presented to the guests the structure, sub-divisions of the party, its activity: with the principle from the bottom to the top. Ms. Zohrabyan also presented the upcoming programmes and goals of the party. She talked about the importance of the European Integration process for the Prosperous Armenia, noting that the European Integration is one of the priorities in the programme of the party. Issues concerning the upcoming parliamentary elections were also debated.

The Vice-Chair of the Group of the European People's Party Corien Wortmann-Kool also highlighted this mission conditioned by the wish of strengthening the cooperation with Armenia’s political forces. She considered welcoming especially the cooperation with centrifugal right forces group, finding it a more effective version. Naira Zohrabyan has stressed that the Prosperous Armenia and the EPP adhere to the same values, justice and tolerance, which is reflected both in the statutes and programmes of the parties. In the deputy’s words, the party presented by her believes in the perspective of having a strong and united Europe with diversity.

During the meeting other issues were also discussed, the Armenian parliamentarians answered the questions concerning the European colleagues.

The members of the NA Heritage faction met with the delegation of the European People’s Party.

The Head of the faction Styopa Safaryan highly appreciated the cooperation of the Heritage party with the European People’s Party.

The talk was mainly developed over the 2012 parliamentary elections and over it, reformed about a year ago and the adopted RA Electoral Code, legislative amendments, electing and deputy contacts, amendments done and being envisaged in the sphere of higher and general education, and quality of the education.

Touching upon the views on the RA Electoral Code, the member of the Heritage faction Armen Martirosyan especially highlighted their proposals on publicizing the lists, video shooting the electoral process, the increase of the women’s number in the parliament.

He particularly noticed that the Heritage Party had participated in the works of the working group created in 2008 for elaborating the Electoral Code; however the proposals of principle presented by their faction had not been adopted.

Touching upon the educational processes, the member of the faction Anahit Bakhshyan has noted that the RA legislation relating to the higher education is complied with the Bologna process, which began 4 years ago. It was mentioned in particular that a legislative initiative had been in a phase of joint elaboration with the RA Minister of Education and Science, and in case of its adoption the general education in our republic would become general inclusive.

On the same day the members of the Country of Law faction also met with the European People’s Party delegation.

Welcoming the guests the Head of the faction Heghine Bisharyan has noted that their party is the bearer of the European values, and a political force intended for reforms. She has noted that their party has permanently cooperated with the RPP, and now it wants to join the EPP, as there is resemblance of values and ideas. During these years the party has worked to promote the rapprochement and deepening of relations with the European structures. It was noted that based on the experience of the EPP the Country of Law Party had created Training Economic Party Educational Academy inside the party. Touching upon the legislative work of the party the Head of the faction has mentioned that the faction actively works and has submitted about 200 laws, which are aimed at making reforms in different spheres: education, healthcare, economy, medium and small business, etc.

The EPP Vice-Chair Corien Wortmann-Kool has noted that the European People’s Party attaches great importance to the cooperation with Armenia’s political forces. She considered a unique case in the EPP history that at the same time four parties of Armenia had applied for joining their party.

The interlocutors also touched upon the 2012 parliamentary elections, the deepening of cooperation in international organizations and other issues of bilateral interest.

The members of the RPA faction also met the members and the delegation of European People’s Party. Highlighting the active contacts of the Republican Party with the EPP during the recent period and highly appreciating its adopted ideology, the Head of the faction Galust Sahakyan has recorded that they are fully consonant with the principles and approaches of their party.

The Head of the EPP delegation in her turn considered remarkable the political process going on in Armenia and the reforms under implementation, registering that Armenia develops through the reinforcement of democracy and they support that procedure.

At the guests’ request Galust Sahakyan presented the prior directions of the work of the National Assembly, the RPA position of holding fair and transparent upcoming parliamentary elections and introduced the mechanism of financing the party.

He has said in particular that the National Assembly has chosen the path of the legislative reforms, and it does as much as possible to provide sustainable development in the RA political field, as it is at the same time the pledge of economic development. The parliament tries to make reality the legislative reforms of the spheres of economy, culture and education by the investment of new approaches and taking account of European experience.

Touching upon the upcoming parliamentary elections, Mr. Sahakyan has recorded that their party, as any political force, will try to have as many votes as possible, but the most important thing is the RA citizens and the international community will see essential progress in electoral processes. The Electoral Code has been improved for that purpose; the authorities of the proxies have increased for making controllable the electoral processes. As ruling political force they will do their best to create equal conditions for political forces during pre-electoral campaign, and so that the electoral process be transparent.

Galust Sahakyan has also noted that the budget of the party is formed from membership payments and donations. It is very transparent, as once in 3 months financial report is presented. The speaker highlighted the provision of legality and control of financial expenditures of the political forces. According to Galust Sahakyan, in this matter their party is resolutely intended, too.

The members of the EPP delegation expressed hope that the RPA representatives ensured that the upcoming parliamentary elections would be fair and transparent.

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