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Awards On the Occasion of the Army Day
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Several families having three military servant sons in the RA Armed Forces, by the order of the RA National Assembly Speaker Samvel Nikoyan enjoyed RA NA Speaker’s Letter of Acknowledgement and monetary award on the occasion of the Army Day. On January 27 the RA NA Speaker Samvel Nikoyan hosted them in the Gilded Hall of the Parliament. By the NA Speaker’s proposal the military servants and the parents were not preliminary informed about the participation of each other, and their exciting meeting in the parliament was a pleasant surprise.


By the NA Speaker’s order the First Deputy Defense Minister Davit Tonoyan, NA deputies Hrayr Karapetyan, Armen Mkhitaryan, Arakel Movsisyan, Sedrak Saroyan, Artur Aghabekyan have been awarded the Medal of Honor of the National Assembly on the Army Day.


Handing over the awards to the representatives of the families of Mikoyans, Danielyans, Gljiyans, Gevorgyans and Avetisyans and the NA deputies, the NA Speaker Samvel Nikoyan congratulated everybody on the occasion of the Army Day and the 20th anniversary of the formation of the RA Armed Forces and noted: “Our army already and at the same time is still 20-year old young, but perhaps not corresponding to the age with a very richer experience of life, and looks with confidence at the future, because it has a standing and dignified trace in the past and in present.


I think the presence of the soldiers of the Armenian Army in the Armenian Parliament as a unity of force and law is symbolic, because the army symbolizes the force, and the parliament the law, and both of them rule towards injustice and any infringement.” In the NA Speaker’s words, for many years the Armenian soldier has served in the foreign army, has defended the alien’s Motherland, but 20 years ago the realities changed, and the Armenian soldier defended his family, his honor, his Motherland. “20 years ago our army was born in the struggle of defending the justice and law and in parallel with that struggle, when not wishing war we had to take arms, because the opposite side did not want to understand other language,” Samvel Nikoyan said. “The Armenian armed forces were born from spontaneous love towards Motherland and Armenian, from the need and care of defending them. The close relatives have such attitude towards each other.


And in the mixed feelings and really devotion was born the Armenian Army, the fighting ability of which, we believe, today prefers not to put in doubt not only our bellicose neighbour, which repeatedly suffered from such experience, but also in the regions being far from us, because they know that irrespective of time, the Armenian soldier’s spirit has remained the same. The same has remained the Armenian parents’ love towards their son and the Motherland defended by him.


The parents understand that they send their son to the army but the parents also understand that they send him to defend not only his Motherland but also everybody’s Motherland. They understand that their son is everybody’s son, and joining general love to their love makes the back of the Motherland’s soldier firmer.


Today hosting in this hall the soldiers of the Armenian army and their parents I want to congratulate you in the name of the National Assembly and me and on your behalf all the soldiers and officers, their parents and families for treating with close care the army, for standing close to the army, because, no matter how brave is the soldier, whether he is armed with the most modern armory, he will not feel himself confident, anyway, if the back is not firm, if he doesn’t feel the support of the society. And the society is everybody irrespective of our occupied position. It testifies also the fact that on the occasion of the Army Day the awards of the National Assembly get not only the families of today’s army soldier, but also yesterday’s soldier, who is now a deputy, but, I am sure, if necessary, already the next moment he will again be recruited for the defense of the Motherland.”


Once again congratulating on the Army Day the Speaker of the National Assembly wished health, peace and longevity to our soldiers and officers, all servicemen, and patience, optimism and confidence to their parents. “Let never be a need for our soldiers to show their fighting high readiness and military skills in military situations,” the NA Speaker said.


By the RA Defense Minister’s order the RA NA Speaker Samvel Nikoyan was awarded “RA Armed Forces: 20 Years” jubilee medal for the 20th anniversary of RA Armed Forces’ formation and his contribution to the establishment of the RA Armed Forces and army building. The above-mentioned NA deputies, as well as their colleagues Hrant Grigoryan, Mikayel Manukyan, Ruben Hayrapetyan, Ashot Aghababyan, Ruben Gevorgyan, Rustam Gasparyan were also given this award.


Expressing their gratitude for the organized event the Defense Minister Seyran Ohanyan has noted that it has become a tradition to encourage the families having three soldiers by the NA leadership. The Minister expressed his gratitude and thankfulness to the parents and servicemen, who with their service and daily painstaking work raise the fighting ability of the Armenian Army.

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