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Monitoring Working Group Holds the Second Sitting
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On April 10 at the second sitting of the Monitoring Working Group of using of the Electoral Code and electoral processes adjunct to the Head of the RA Parliament organizational issues were discussed, as well as the works to be done were also pre-indicated.

At the previous sitting there has been a proposal that every party and organization will discuss and submit to this meeting its understanding and recommendations about the activity of the group, particularly, about the mechanism to be used during the monitoring.

The representatives of the six parties, the Republican Party of Armenia (RPA), Prosperous Armenia Party (PAP), ARF, Heritage, Communist Party of Armenia (CPA) and Democratic Party of Armenia (DPA), which presented their bid for taking part in the elections, as well as of international organizations attended the ongoing discussion with the participation of the NA Speaker Samvel Nikoyan. The second sitting of the Working Group, according to the decision of turning the presidency in alphabetical order, moderated the PAP member Naira Zohrabyan. The latter, as well as Styopa Safaryan (Heritage), Yerjanik Ghazaryan (CPA), Gagik Melikyan (RPA), Artyush Shahbazyan (ARF) and Aram Sargsyan (DPA) voiced their proposals on getting the applications on the violations and order of discussing, inviting those responsible for the local self-government and executive bodies, making up protocols, coordinating with law enforcement bodies and similar issues. It was decided that the parties would wind up the received information in their pre-electoral headquarters and submit it to the Working Group. To the participants’ conviction, the format of the Working Group is inclusive, and in this way everybody will have opportunity of submitting the alarms received on possible violations to the Group.

Styopa Safaryan proposed that the members of the Group would also focus on the non-partisan and self-nominated candidates registered through majoritarian electoral system in 41 local districts. The NA Speaker also proposed to create an opportunity of submitting their concerns in the Group for nominated candidates through majoritarian electoral system. The Head of the Parliament has opined that the Working Group should discuss concrete issues and try to practically solve them. In this context, taking into account the news under circulation about the RA citizens having double passports, the NA Speaker proposed to invited those responsible of the Police Passport and Visa Department for getting clarifications at the next sitting. The participants of the Working Group welcomed this initiative, taking into account the importance of having exact electoral lists for holding fair elections.

The next sitting of the Working Group will be held on April 13.

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