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Samvel Nikoyan Receives the Delegation Led by the NA Deputy Speaker of the Republic of Korea Hong Jae Hyong
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On May 14 the RA National Assembly Speaker Samvel Nikoyan received the delegation led by the Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea Hong Jae Hyong. Welcoming the guests Mr Nikoyan expressed confidence that the Korean parliamentarians’ visit would be a new stimulus for the development of the relations between the two countries, as well as the National Assemblies. The NA Speaker qualified close and warm the established Armenian-Korean and inter-parliamentary relations, highlighting their continuity and deepening. He has underlined the role of the representation bodies of the National Assemblies in expansion of parliamentary diplomacy, which is one of the pledges of the establishment of universal peace and friendly atmosphere.

Mr Nikoyan noted with satisfaction the good relations already existing between the parliaments of the two countries: in 2009 the RA NA Speaker has visited South Korea, where a Memorandum of cooperation and understanding has been signed, giving new impetus to the development of bilateral cooperation. The Parliamentary Friendship Groups also effectively function: The Korean side has visited the RA National Assembly, new directions have been mentioned for bilateral relations.

Both sides emphasized the further enlivening of inter-parliamentary relations, as well as the cooperation in international parliamentary structures.

Samvel Nikoyan thanked the Government of Korea, due to whose support it was possible to fundamentally repair and provide with modern equipment the Session Hall of the parliament.

Expressing his gratitude for warm reception the Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea Hong Jae Hyong noted that during the last twenty years the Armenian-Korean relations had actively developed, which gave a basis to optimistically look at the perspectives of the future cooperation. In June the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Armenian-Korean diplomatic relations would be marked, Korean division functions in Yerevvan State Linguistic University, the cooperation in economic, cultural and other spheres. In Hong Jae Hyong’s word, the task of the parliaments is to provide favourable legislative field. New parliaments are shaped in two countries, and both sides expressed hope that directions created for cooperation would be continued.

In the RA NA Speaker’s word, there is big potential for further development and reinforcement of bilateral relations between Armenia and Korea in the most different spheres: trade-economic, scientific-technical, educational and cultural and other spheres.

He also expressed hope that due to joint efforts of the concerning sides it would be possible to reach long-lasting peace in Korean Peninsula, creating conditions for re-unification of two parts of the Korean people.

The position of the Armenian side of the Karabakh conflict settlement was presented.

Noh Yong Min, deputy also in the delegation of the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea, presented his book “Modern Tragedy.” In the first chapter of the book it is told about the Armenians’ Genocide perpetrated in Ottoman Turkey, and the author, moved by that tragic page of the history of humanity, every year on April 24 informs all the bloggers by his Facebook page about the first massacre of the 20th century. “I am glad that I am in a country close to my heart, and I am excited that I should visit Tsitsernakaberd and pray for the innocent victims of the Genocide,” Noh Yong Min noted. He presented his book to the NA Speaker.

Thanking the deputy for pro-Armenian activity, Mr Nikoyan noted: “Such position can have the representative of a nation having powerful culture, who thinks with all human values. The Genocide perpetrated towards any nation is a crime against humanity, and the progressive states and people fight against it.”

RA NA Deputy Speaker Eduard Sharmazanov also attended the meeting, highly appreciating the existing bilateral relations, talked about the necessity of their further deepening.

The Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea Hong Jae Hyong and the members of the delegation led by him have been in the NA Session Hall, got introduced with peculiarities and conditions of the Armenian colleagues’ works.

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