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At the Sittings of the NA Standing Committees
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The NA Standing Committee on Agriculture and Environment at the June 20 sitting presided over by Samvel Balasanyan debated the RA draft laws “On Making Amendment to the RA Law on Lake Sevan” and “On Making Amendment to the RA Law on Approving the Annual and Complex Programmes of the Events for the Restoration of the Eco System, Maintenance, Reproduction and Use of Lake Sevan, which presented Andranik Andreasyan, Head of the State Committee for Water Management of the RA Ministry of Territorial Administration.

The Committee endorsed the debated bills.

The NA Standing Committee on Agriculture and Environment approved the Rules of Procedure of the Committee with the first item of today’s sitting.

On June 20 the sitting of the NA Standing Committee on Foreign Relations presided over by Artak Zakaryan was held.

Andranik Andreasyan, Head of the State Committee for Water Management of the RA Ministry of Territorial Administration presented the credit agreement “Additional Financing of Sector Programme of Water Supply and Water Removing” signed between the Republic of Armenia and Asian Development Bank on May 3, 2012.

At the June 20 sitting of the Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs of the National Assembly presided over Gagik Minasyan also debated the credit agreement “Additional Financing of Sector Programme of Water Supply and Water Removing” signed between the Republic of Armenia and Asian Development Bank, which was included in the agenda of the NA extraordinary session.

The Committees endorsed the debated agreements.

The issue of the election of the Deputy Chairman was also on the agenda of the first sitting of the Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs. In accordance with the NA Rules of Procedure, Deputy Chairman of the Committee was elected the member of the ARF faction Artsvik Minasyan.

On June 20 the sitting of the NA Standing Committee on Foreign Relations presided over by Artak Zakaryan was held.

Andranik Andreasyan, Head of the State Committee for Water Management of the RA Ministry of Territorial Administration presented the credit agreement “Additional Financing of Sector Programme of Water Supply and Water Removing” signed between the Republic of Armenia and Asian Development Bank on May 3, 2012.

At the June 20 sitting of the Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs of the National Assembly presided over Gagik Minasyan also debated the credit agreement “Additional Financing of Sector Programme of Water Supply and Water Removing” signed between the Republic of Armenia and Asian Development Bank, which was included in the agenda of the NA extraordinary session.

The Committees endorsed the debated agreements.

The issue of the election of the Deputy Chairman was also on the agenda of the first sitting of the Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs. In accordance with the NA Rules of Procedure, Deputy Chairman of the Committee was elected the member of the ARF faction Artsvik Minasyan.

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