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Eduard Sharmazanov: “There is No Doubt that Azerbaijan is an Aggressor”
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Touching upon the settlement of the Karabakh conflict Novruz Mamedov, head of the presidential administration’s foreign relations department, today has stated that Azerbaijan is ready to give high status of sovereignty to Artsakh, at the same time calling Armenia an occupant country. “That moment should be distinctly mentioned in the statements: it is necessary to call the aggressor,” Mamedov noted.

In response to Mamedov’s that statement, the RA National Assembly Vice President Eduard Sharamazanov has said:

“The Azerbaijani officials’ ‘flight of thought’ keeps on wondering me. First, the issue of granting sovereignty to the other state is not under the authority of any state. There are international accepted norms, the Charter of the United Nations, according to which, the right of self-determination is one of the UN goals, and the territorial integrity is only a principle, therefore, the principles should serve for the implementation of the goals.

Second, the Republic of Artsakh has declared its independence in accordance with the USSR acting legislation and international legal norms and has fixed it by popular referendum. Moreover, the NKR has not been part of independent Azerbaijan not a day and an hour.

Third, what sovereignty he was speaking about, if the Azerbaijanis could not tolerate even the existence of Nor Jugha cultural monument cross-stones, barbarously destroying them. It is a classical example of cultural genocide.

Mr Mamedov wants to hear the aggressor’s name. Mr Mamedov, how can you name the country, which opposed to the just right of the people of the Nagorno Karabakh military force, bombing day and night and keeping under fire the peaceful residents, including women and children, and the leaders of the country, who declare all over the world that they should wash their hands in the Lake Sevan? I also think that it’s time the international community calls a spade a spade and gives the aggressor’s name. There is no doubt that it is Azerbaijan.”

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The live stream of the 10th Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians of the Inter-Parliamentary Union....

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