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National Assembly Ends the Work of the Four-Day Sittings
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At September 13 sitting the National Assembly passed in the first reading the new articles included in the bill “On Amending the RA Law Rules of Procedure of the National Assembly,” which was debated on the previous day. Hovik Abrahamyan, co-author of the bill, the President of the National Assembly said that, taking into account the deputies’ proposals during the debate of the bill connected with some problems, an agreement was reached after voting to organize debate with participation of factions and give solutions to the raised problems.

The National Assembly passed completely in the second reading the bill “On Amending the RA Law Rules of Procedure of the National Assembly,” authored by Hovik Abrahamyan and Davit Harutyunyan.

Then the parliamentarians continued the debate of the package of the draft laws “On Amending the RA Law on Accumulated Pensions,” “On Amending the RA Law on Income Tax,” “On Amending the RA Law on Personified Counting of the Income Tax and Mandatory Accumulated Payment,” “On Amending the RA Law on Investment Funds” and a number of adjoining laws. Vardan Aramyan, keynote speaker, Deputy Finance Minister has noted that a relevant legislative field is necessary to form for effective and consistent implementation of the pension reforms.

The deputies presented their concerns on the new investing system directed to the keynote speaker.

The opposition deputies urged the Government to delay the debate of the package.

The ANC faction presented his position on the legislative package under the debate. Hrant Bagratyan proposed the RA Government from the ANC faction to consider non valid the reforms on the pension system adopted in 2010-2011, as they were untimely.

In his final Vardan Aramyan touched upon the deputies’ concerns and evaluations, gave clarifications and proposed to vote for the package of the bills.

The NA deputies debated the RA draft law “On Amending the RA Law on State Non Commercial Organizations,” which presented the bill co-author Karine Achemyan.

The Deputy Chair of the Head, NA Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture, Youth and Sport Karine Poghosyan endorsed the bill.

The National Assembly also debated the protocol “On Deploying Entities of Military Sub-Structure on the Territories of the Member States of the Collective Security Treaty Organization, which presented the RA Foreign Minister Shavarsh Kocharyan.

In their speeches the NA deputies Alexander Arzumanyan and Nikol Pashinyan highlighted Armenia’s membership to the CSTO, but they deemed unacceptable the ratification of the protocol from the view of limiting the RA self-power and sovereignty, and in the opinion of the NA Deputy President Eduard Sharmazanov, the NA deputies Artashes Geghamyan, Hayk Babukhanyan, Khosrov Harutyunyan and Koryun Nahapetyan, the protocol stems from the strategy of the RA national and state security, and is a necessary means and it does not restrict the self-power of the country.

The National Assembly will continue the debate of the issue will continue at the next NA four-day sittings.

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Bill endorsed: New functions to be given to Military-Industrial Committee
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Legislative initiatives debated in second reading endorsed
At September 27 extraordinary sitting of the RA NA Standing Committee on Labor and Social Affairs, a number of legislative initiatives were debated and endorsed in the second reading.The RA Deputy Minister of Justice Armenuhi Harutyunyan presented the draft law On Making Addendum and Amendment to th...

RA NA President Alen Simonyan visits Yerablur
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