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National Assembly Ends the Work of the Last Four-Day Sittings of the Autumn Session
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On December 6 the RA National Assembly continued the work of the four-day sittings and by voting passed the bills debated on the previous day.

As a result of voting, the interpellation “On Elaborating Action Program of the Economic Competitive Protection and Anti-Oligarchic Policy” presented by the ANC faction was not passed.

Then the parliament continued to debate the package of bills envisaging amendments to the RA law “On Circulation Tax” and to a number of laws.

The Chairman of the Standing Committee on Economic Affairs Vardan Ayvazyan made a co-report.

The NA Speaker Hovik Abrahamyan noted that the main problem was that the adoption of the package of law would not result in the rise of taxes and proposed that the Government would substantiate the amendment.

The deputies also delivered speeches on this issue. The RA First Finance Minister Suren Karayan gave a final speech. The parliament continued the debate of the bills concerning the tax sphere.

Suren Karayan presented in the first reading the bills “On Defining Privileges of the Payments of the Tax and Compulsory Social Security” and the “On Amendment to the RA Code on Bowels.”

The Chairman of the Leading Committee on Economic Affairs said that they endorsed the bill.

The NA Speaker was interested in the provisions of the bill that during the debate of the issue the deputies were against and on what substantiations.

Informing the deputies that in near future an extraordinary session is envisaged, including also these issues, the Head of the Parliament proposed the key and co-reporters, the responsible person from the government, as well as the concerned deputies to organize debate in order to substantiate the amendment to the law.

Suren Karayan in his final speech touched upon the deputies’ interpeallations and gave clarifications.

Then the deputies in the first reading debated the bill “On Amending the RA Law on Cash Operations.” The RA First Finance Minister also presented the bill “On Amending the RA Law on State Duty.” Then the parliament debated the RA draft law “On Amending the RA Law on Excise Tax.”

The co-reporter Vardan Ayvazyan substantiated the endorsement on the draft law, highlighting it from the view of the sphere improvement.

The parliament also debated the RA draft law “On Amending the RA Law on Operative-Investigative Activity.” The deputies addressed the key speaker received clarifications on some articles.

The deputy also debated the issue on passing in the first reading the RA draft law “On Amending the RA Law on Licensing.”

The deputies noticed contradictions and problems in some formulations of the draft law. The parliament ended the work of the last four-day sittings of the autumn session by the debate of the issue.

Thanking the deputies for the law-making activity, the RA National Assembly Speaker Hovik Abrahamyan announced the second session of the National Assembly of the fifth convocation closed. The hymn of the Republic of Armenia sounded.

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