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Delegation Led by the President of the FRG Bundestag in the NA
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On March 6 the delegation led by the President of the Bundestag Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) Norbert Lammert had a meeting with the members of the RA NA Armenia-Germany Friendship Group, the Standing committees on Foreign Relations and European Integration.

Welcoming the visit of the Bundestag delegation to Armenia, the Head of the NA Armenia-Germany Friendship Group Artak Davtyan thanked the Federal Republic of Germany and the German people for the comprehensive support and assistance shown to Armenia. In his word, the formed relations are evaluated in the National Assembly, and it’s not accidental that Armenia-Germany Friendship Group is one of the biggest and most active ones, including all the political forces represented in the parliament. Artak Davtyan expressed conviction that the visit of the President of the Bundestag would give a new impetus for further enlivening and deepening of inter-parliamentary relations and bilateral relations.

Highlighting the inter-parliamentary relations, the Chair of the Standing Committee on European Integration Naira Zohrabyan has noted that we should more effectively use the possibilities given in the parliamentary diplomacy. In her word, the fact that some MPs, factions of the Bundestag sometimes make statements, bring forward draft resolutions, where the Nagonro Karabakh and regional conflicts are distorted, perhaps, is also the consequence of non decent awareness, and the lack of it can be filled in through mutually active contacts and bilateral activities. As a member of the PACE Armenian delegation and Deputy Chair of the Euronest Political Committee Naira Zohrabyan has highlighted that, as well as the expansion of cooperation of the delegations of the two countries in other international parliamentary structures.

Touching upon the efforts of the Republic of Armenia towards European integration the Deputy Chairman of the NA Standing Committee on Foreign Relations Alexander Arzumanyan has highlighted the cooperation with Federal Republic of Germany, Bundestag and the political forces represented there. In his word, the bilateral ties, the inter-parliamentary cooperation, the experience of the FRG democracy, can greatly promote the improvement of the legislation, the deepening of European integration and processes of democratization.

Thanking for the warm reception the President of the FRG Bundestag Norbert Lammert noted that the visit to Armenia should become a basis for deepening the bilateral relations. He expressed readiness for the reinforcement of inter-parliamentary cooperation, further revelations of democratization potential and their development. Introducing the hard and dramatic path of Germany’s passed democratization, by his characterization, Norbert Lammert has said that they are very sensitive towards similar issues and are ready to support all the countries, which have its wish and need.

Touching upon the mass assaults of the pro-Azerbaijani forces in the FRG Bundestag, Norbert Lammert has underlined that the inner-political problems of Azerbaijan are deeply discussed in the German Parliament, which often get criticism.

The participants of the meeting also touched upon the regional processes, the elections held in Armenia, the new possibilities of cooperation and other issues.

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