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RA NA President Hovik Abrahamyan Meets with the Vice President of Argentina, the President of the Senate Amado Boudou
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On April 9 the RA National Assembly President Hovik Abrahamyan met with the Vice President of Argentina, the President of the Senate Amado Boudou.

The President of the National Assembly welcomed the high-ranking guest and thanked him for taking part in the Inauguration ceremony of the RA President. He expressed hope that the visits of this level would further promote the rapprochement of the relations between Armenia and Argentina and the activation of cooperation. He highly appreciated the current level of the Armenian-Argentinean political relations and highlighted the high ranking officials’ mutual visits and the continuity of regular contacts at different levels.

By the assessment of the National Assembly President, the friendly relations between the two countries, as well as the shaped legal-contractual field create firm bases for the full cooperation in trade-economic and other spheres. Though by the volume of investments done in Armenia’s economy Argentina is in leading positions, but, according to Hovik Abrahamyan, the volumes of goods turnover between the two countries still do not correspond to the existing potential, and it is necessary to seek new ways for practicing those opportunities. He deemed important to develop the inter-parliamentary relations with the two chambers of the Argentinean Parliament, reserving an important role in this aspect the parliamentary friendship groups and their active cooperation. The President of the RA National Assembly also highlighted the necessity of intensification of cooperation between Armenia and Argentina in international organizations, the development of parliamentary diplomacy, the mutual understanding existing on the issues of bilateral interest and the readiness of mutual support. Hovik Abrahamyan highly appreciated the role of the Armenian community of Argentina in the reinforcement and enlargement of bilateral relations and thanked them for the policy adopted by the Argentinean authorities towards Armenians.

Hovik Abrahamyan has also touched upon the regional problems, the prehistory of Nagorno Karabakh problem, the perpetuated historical injustice, the resoluteness of the Artsakh people for living and creating on its historical land and realization of the internationally accepted right of self-determination, adding that Armenia has been and remains the propagator of solving the Karabakh problem within the framework of the OSCE Minsk Group and through peaceful negotiations. The NA President referred to the Armenian-Turkish relations.

The Vice President of Argentina, the President of the Senate Amado Boudou thanked for the warm words and congratulated the Armenian people on the occasion of the RA President’s election and his taking the Oath of the Office.

He emphasized the necessity of the development of the Armenian-Argentinean inner-state economic, political, cultural relations and the reinforcement of the two nations’ friendly relations. Touching upon the two centuries old history of Argentina he recorded that this history had also been built by the Armenians’ help and even by blood, and today the Armenians take part in the development of different spheres of the public life of Argentina, occupy high positions in the management system and economy. Amado Boudou expressed willingness to actively cooperate in different spheres with Armenia in the name of the authorities of his country. He also highly assessed Armenia’s stance and readiness for solving the regional problems through peaceful negotiations.

The President of the Senate invited the President of the National Assembly on an official visit. The NA President Hovik Abrahamyan thanked for the invitation and expressed hope that probably during the current year this visit important for Armenia, will take place. He also officially invited the President of the Argentinean Senate to Armenia.

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