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Message by the National Assembly President Hovik Abrahamyan on the World Press Freedom Day
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I congratulate the representatives of the mass media on the World Press Freedom Day.

The press has a special place in the life of every state as an opportunity of freedom expressing ideas and thinking, as an important index of the level of democracy and human rights.

Today, when the information assumes bigger and bigger role, when modern technologies open new ways and opportunities for the development of press, from that the importance is not abased and changed that the free speech and freedom of speech have. Especially, much depends on the principality of media, for the civil society being at the phase of the formation, establishment, the liability of media and rating in the society. And it is very important not only having the opportunity of freely acting and expressing thought, but also not speculating them, because the society itself defines special responsibility, considering it and perceiving it as an influential means of formation and consolidation of the atmosphere of consent and tolerance.

The mass media shape an information environment, where the existing moods directly influence on the atmosphere of the whole society and country. Once again congratulating you on the World Press Freedom Day I wish you to constantly have solidarity and tolerance, fairness and decency in that environment for the sake of our society and country. And I wish the representatives of the media field and mass media health, welfare, new achievements and fruitful work.

Hayk Mamijanyan: Systematic obliteration of a rich and ancient heritage is not only a cultural tragedy but also a flagrant violation of international law and human rights
The member of the RA NA delegation to PACE, the Head of the NA With Honor Faction Hayk Mamijanyan gave a speech at PACE Session going on in Strasbourg.“Honorable colleagues,I would like to add some more facts to those that have been presented by the rapporteur in the paragraph about South Caucasus, ...

Sona Ghazaryan: The destruction of historical and cultural monuments during wars has one goal: the destruction of cultural identity
The member of the RA NA delegation to PACE Sona Ghazaryan made a report at PACE Session going on in Strasbourg.In her report the MP said:“First and foremost, I would like to extend my gratitude to Yevghenia for the comprehensive report. This report has been thoroughly discussed in our committee thro...

Delegation led by RA NA President Alen Simonyan meets with Speaker of the Saeima of Latvia Daiga Mieriņa
The delegation led by the RA NA President Alen Simonyan is on an official visit in Riga at the invitation of the Speaker of the Saeima of the Republic of Latvia Daiga Mieriņa.On June 26, the delegation involved with the Head of the Armenia-Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia Friendship Group Arsen Toros...

It is designed to form student detachments that will take part in certain engineering works in positions
The Chair of the Standing Committee on Defense and Security of the National Assembly Andranik Kocharyan proposes to form student volunteer detachments that will take part in certain engineering works in the positions. According to the MP, the idea of ​​the initiative arose during the vis...

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