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Debates of the RA 2014 State Budget Draft Continue in the NA Standing Committees
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On October 29 at the joint sitting of the NA Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs and Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs the expenditures and incomes for the implementation of the activity of the state and judicial bodies of the power by the RA draft law “On the RA 2014 State Budget” were discussed.

The RA First Deputy of Finance Pavel Safaryan said that it was designed to allocate money for the maintenance expenditures of the state and judicial bodies of the power as it had been during the recent 5-6 years.

The Chief of Staff to the RA President Vigen Sargsyan, The Chief of Staff of the RA National Assembly Gurgen Dumanyan, The Minister-Chief of Staff of the RA Government Vache Gabrielyan, the Chief of Staff of the RA Constitutional Court Arushan Hakobyan, the Chief of Staff of the RA National Security Council Artashes Avoyan, The Chief of Staff of the RA Prosecutor General’s Office Ashot Yesayan, the Deputy Head of the RA Special Investigative Service, the Chief of Staff of the RA Control Chamber Artavazd Nersisyan, the Acting Head of the RA Judicial Department Karen Poladyan, the Chairman of the RA Central Electoral Commission Tigran Mukuchyan made reports on the expenditures and incomes, noting about the rise of salary, energy and gas tariffs.

The RA Justice Minister Hrayr Tovmasyan introduced the envisaged reforms and programmes.

The Chairman of the RA Civil Service Council Manvel Badalyan presented a proposal of reviewing the operation normative of the transport means or elaborating a compensation system of operation expenditures of transport means of the personal use.

On the same day the joint sitting of the NA Standing Committees on Territorial Management and Local Self-Government and Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs moderated by Stepan Margaryan and Gagik Minasyan was conducted, where Pavel Safaryan presented the maintenance expenditures of the municipalities and the subsidies providing to the communities and their accounting principles.

The Deputy Mayor of Yerevan Kamo Areyan presented for the deputies’ debate the financial data allocated to Yerevan Municipality from the state budget, according to directions.

In their speeches the representatives of the municipalities presented the financial allocations and the programmes to be implemented envisaged for the marzes.

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