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NA Delegation in Saint Petersburg
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On November 29 the IPA CIS works continued. In the Parliamentary Hall of Tavricheskiy Palace the IPA plenary sitting was held, where the NA delegation led by Hermine Naghdalyan took part. After the sitting the press conference of the delegations was held, where answering the addressed question what the plans of Armenia were in the direction of the Eurasian integration, Hermine Naghdalyan noted that on September 3 the political decision on joining the Customs Union (CU) and the Eurasian Economic Community was issued, on October 24 the CU Supreme Council approved the draft memorandum to be signed between the Eurasian Commission and the Republic of Armenia (RA), which was approved on November 6. Now a working group is created with the participation of the representatives of the member countries and the Eurasian Commission, which works out documents, including the main road map which should be approved at the sitting in December. Thus, the RA carries out activities in joining the CU and the Eurasian Community.

On the same day the RA NA delegation took part in the international conference “The Nuclear Security in the Modern World, the Role of the Parliament in the Process of Nuclear Disarmament and Non-Spreading them” initiated by the Parliament of Kazakhstan and the IPA CIS, where Hermine Naghdalyan delivered a speech, introducing the steps taken by the parliament and the stance of Armenia on the use of exclusively peaceful atom considering legitimate in terms of non-spreading the nuclear weapon and nuclear norms.

In the evening the NA deputies had meetings with the representatives of the Armenian community of Saint Petersburg and answered the questions concerning them.

10th Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians of Inter-Parliamentary Union. live stream
The live stream of the 10th Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians of the Inter-Parliamentary Union....

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