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Press Conference of the PACE Delegation
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On February 4 in the National Assembly the press conference of the RA NA delegation, which took part in the works of the first part of the PACE session held in Starsbourg on January 27-31, 2014 took place. The Head of the NA Delegation to PACE Davit Harutyunyan, members of the Delegation Arpine Hovhannisyan and Mher Shahgeldyan wound up the results of the PACE session works. The first item of the session was the recognition of the delegations’ authorities which had not been disputed.

Davit Harutyunyan has noted that for the first time in the history of PACE two candidates for President have been nominated: Robert Walter and Anne Brasseur. In the first round of the election by the absolute majority Anne Brasseur has been elected PACE President.

During the free discussion Arpine Hovhannisyan had delivered a speech on the theme “Law Criminalizing the Denial of Genocides and Crimes against Humanity” and Naira Zohrabyan gave a speech on the theme “’Caviar’ Diplomacy and its Impunity Pursued by Azerbaijan.”

Mr Harutyunyan has noted that Naira Zohrabyan has raised the issue of Hakob Injighulyan who has been taken hostage in Azerbaijan. She has talked about the possibility of the return or sending to the third world of the hostage.

Arpine Hovhannisyan gave a speech in the name of the EPP political group over the theme “Internet and Politics.”

Levon Zurabyan delivered a speech over the theme “The Functioning of Democratic Institutions in Ukraine,” opining that the foreign intervention will result in the negative consequences.

During the discussion Mher Shahgeldyan has presented a report of the issue “Energy Diversification as Fundamental Contribution to the Stable Development,” speaking about energy sources.

During another discussion in the name of the EPP political group Arpine Hovhannisyan has delivered a speech on the issue “The Responsibility of the International Organizations for the Human Rights Violations.”

The Head of the NA Delegation to PACE Davit Harutyunyan presented the changed compositions of the PACE committees and subcommittees within the framework of the session.

The members of the Delegation answered the journalists’ questions.

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