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Sittings of the NA Standing Committees are Held
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On March 21 the sittings of the NA Standing Committees were held.

At the sitting of the NA Standing Committee on Social Affairs moderated by Hakob Hakobyan in the first reading the draft law “On Amending the RA Law on State Allowances” authored by the deputies of the PAP faction was debated. The key reporter Mikayel Melkumyan introduced the goal of the draft law.

The Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Arayik Petrosyan presented the view of the government. The draft law was not endorsed.

The deputies also debated the draft law “On Amending the Law on State Allowances” authored by Hovhannes Margaryan, Heghine Bisharyan, Levon Dokholyan, Hayk Babukhanyan and Khosrov Harutyunyan. The Committee made a decision to submit the revised version of the draft law to the four-day sittings.

The draft law was endorsed to be included in the March 24-27 four-day sittings.

At the sitting of the NA Standing Committee on Agriculture and Environment moderated by Martun Grigoryan in the first reading the draft law “On Approving the Annual and Complex Programmes of the Events for Restoration, Maintenance, Reproduction and Use of the Ecosystem of the Lake Sevan” was debated. The Chairman of the RA State Committee for Water Management of the RA Ministry of Territorial Administration Andranik Andreasyan noted the advantages of the draft law.

Mr Andreasyan answered the deputies’ questions, which related to the expediency of the water outflow from the Lake Sevan, the programmes of the drainage water storage and the construction of the new reservoirs.

As a result of deliberations , the draft law with the endorsement of the Committee was included in the draft laws of the agendas of the NA session and the upcoming four-day sittings.

At the sitting of the NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs moderated by Vardan Ayvazyan the bill “On Amending the RA Law on Guaranteeing the Compensation of the Physical Entities’ Bank Deposits.” The author of the bill Hrant Bagratyan introduced the features of the draft law.

The Committee debated the bill “On Determining Installation Standards of the Big Trade Entities in the City of Yerevan” authored by the deputies of the Rule of Law faction.

The Committee endorsed the debated two bills for including them in the draft law of the session agenda.

The Committee considered and endorsed the package of bills proposing amendments to the law “On Automobile Transport” and to a number of laws presented in the second reading. It postponed the debate of the package of the RA Law “On Gambling and Casinos” and “On Amending the RA Law on Lotteries” and the bill “On Amending the RA Law “On the Evaluation of Compliance.”

Ruben Rubinyan Receives Ambassador of Sweden to RA
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Concepts of electronic library and cultural, educational, information center will be defined
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