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Open Lesson in the National Assembly
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On March 24 within the framework of the Open Doors Programme the National Assembly hosted the pupils of Yerevan Gurgen Margaryan Senior School N 94.

The Chairman of the NA Standing Committee on Science, Education, Youth and Sport Artak Davtyan conducted the open lesson and introduced to the pupils the composition, the structure and the legislative activities of the parliament. He touched upon the functions of the National Assembly, talked about the proportional and majoritarian electoral systems.

During the Q & A session the voiced questions were connected with the school educational programmes, the pre-specialized education, pupil-centred education, the protection of the children’s rights and the right of the nations’ self-determination.

Mr Davtyan also touched upon the entrance exams to the higher educational institutions, which were concerning the pupils.

At the end of the meeting in the NA Session Hall the pupils had their photos taken with the NA Speaker Hovik Abrahamyan and had sincere talk with him.

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