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At 8th St. Petersburg International Economic Forum

On June 15 RA National Assembly President Artur Baghdasaryan has face-to-face talks with, Boris Gryzlov, the Chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and Petr Pithart, the President of the Senate of the Czech Republic.

Mr. Gryzlov commended Armenian delegation’s participation in the Forum and attached importance to the opening of the Armenian pavilion. Mr. Gryzlov will pay an official visit to Armenia in autumn on the invitation of Artur Baghdasaryan. The high-ranking officials addressed other issues related to promoting inter-parliamentary relations as well.

During the meeting with Sergey Mironov, Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation the parties brought up partnership issues, attached importance to the implementation of the partnership agreement. Armenian pavilion opened in St. Petersburg in terms of the aforementioned agreement. The high-ranking officials also addressed implementation of agreements reached in Samara.

The sides discussed establishing inter-parliamentary relations between the two countries during a meeting Foto:Doc. JUDr.  Petr Pithart with Petr Pithart, President of the Senate of the Czech Republic.  This was a historic meeting being the first one for both Armenian and Czech parliaments, Mr. Pithart assessed. The sides brought up issues related to inter-parliamentary and interstate relations. Czech experience in legislature and economy amassed over the past decade can prove useful to Armenia. The sides reached agreement to efficiently use great potential in economy, health care, science, education and culture. Mr. Baghdasaryan invited the President of the Czech Senate to pay an official visit to Armenia.

Sergey Mironov, Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation delivered an opening speech at the opening ceremony of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum at Tavrichesky Palace. Greeting the participants Mr. Mironov pointed out that the annual forum unites not only CIS entrepreneurs but also businessmen from other countries and became one of the major annual events in economy. Ilya Klebanov, the Presidential Plenipotentiary in the Northwest Federal District, read out welcoming speech of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin.

Enumerating the participant countries Boris Gryzlov, the Chairman of the State Duma, stressed the importance of similar forums with roundtable consultations, which yield agreements triggering economic development. Mr. Gryzlov praised the fact that the Republic of Armenia and the Czech Republic are presented within the framework of the Forum.

Mikhail Fradkov, Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, delivered a detailed report on RF priorities in terms of economic development.

Valentina Matvienko, the Governor of Saint Petersburg, greeted the participants in the Forum.

The speakers weighted creation of common economic space, upgrading of the economy, introduction of modern technologies and their compliance with the modern requirements, which will enable overcome poverty and offer competitive products at the international market.

The Forum is of great importance to Armenia, for here Armenia’s achievements in the sphere of economy and potential will be displayed, RA National Assembly President Artur Baghdasaryan stated. “Armenia maintains the road to free market economy and the establishment of a democratic society. Prior to joining the World Trade Organization (WTO) Armenia reformed its legislation seeking to create opportunities to promote competitive entrepreneurship. The major objective of any democratic country is to reinforce its statehood and improving the quality of life of its people. The transition period which still continues not only in Armenia but in other Commonwealth states, economic and social difficulties are still urgent on the agenda.”

Complex regional political and economic processes have direct impact on Armenia, the Chairman pointed out. The issue of Armenia’s land connection with the wide world remains a problem. Nevertheless, even under the current circumstances, having no border and facing communication problems with its most major trade partner, Russia, (as well as other states), Armenia’s economy is developing registering economic growth, GDP growth and increase in foreign investments.

Increase in macroeconomic indices is accounted for by increase in private property, which brings about development of steady entrepreneurship. The private sector share of the GDP (80%) testifies to the fact that the government doesn’t meddle in business affairs. Being unable to boast of neither natural resources nor raw materials base Armenian economy is rather diverse. Light industry, precious stones cutting, jewelry, agriculture, these are priority spheres fro the Armenian economy. Legislation creates favorable atmosphere for the development of entrepreneurship where significant success has been achieved. The liberating policy employed by the state affords ample opportunities to foreign investors for implementation of international economic projects: positive dynamics has been registered in terms of foreign investment flows. Trade turnover not only with the CIS and Europe but also with the US and the Asian countries has increased.

Rebuilding cooperative ties with the CIS states remains a priority for the Armenian foreign economic policy. Many meetings were held seeking to resolve the aforementioned problems: the Samara business forum on regional cooperation issues is a key step for promoting partnership on the inter-regional partnership issues, where agreements were signed between the regions of the two countries. Success of the partnership greatly depends on the involvement of the local self-government bodies and augmentation of their authorities.

The partnership with the European Union is very importnat for Armenia. The EU new neighbours  had a high economic growth during a short period, which opened new perspectives for those countries. The experience of those countries can be successfully used for developing the national economies of the CIS countries. The inclusion of Armenia in this initiative is very importnat.

NA President expressed certitude the 8th St. Petersburg International Economic Forum will make an important contribution to the cooperation among the states and will ensure peoples’ welfare. Mr. Baghdasaryan invited participants and guests of the Forum to attend presentation of the Armenian pavilion.

Forum was continued at roundtable consultations.


The same day the Armenian pavilion opened at Mikhailovskiy Manezh. Apart from the Armenian delegation Sergey Mironov, Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Petr Pithart, the President of the Senate of the Czech Republic, Vladimir Yakovlev, Presidential Plenipotentiary in the Southern Federal District, as well as ministers and entrepreneurs attended the solemn ceremony.

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