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National Assembly Begins to Debate the Issue “On Approving the RA Government Programme”
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On May 20 the National Assembly continued the work of the four-day sittings. Before passing to the debate on the interrupted issue, the appointment of the RA Central Bank (CB) Governor, the deputies by voting passed the bill “On Amending the RA Law on Accounting,”which was debated in the second reading on the previous day.

By the proposal of the NA Speaker Galust Sahakyan, the deputies welcomed the teachers and pupils of the Basic College of Gyumri Branch of the Armenian State University of Economics, who were hosted within the framework of the NA “Open Doors” programme.

The head of the RPA faction Vahram Baghdasaryan presented the viewpoint of the faction on the issue of the appointment of the RA CB Governor.

Then the parliament began debating the issue “On Approving the RA Government Programme,” which presented the RA Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan.

Introducing the activity programme of the upcoming three years, the approaches and logics of the general development, the RA Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamyan qualified the Government programme as realistic and exigent.

The creation of the new jobs and the coordinated growth of the salaries are highlighted in the programme. It is designed to reduce the poverty by 10 per cent and prevent the emigration.

Touching upon the sphere of defense the RA Prime Minister has noted that the guarantee of population security of the RA and the NKR will be complete and comprehensive. He has informed the deputies that certain programmes will be implemented in the spheres of healthcare and education, and new programmes will be invested in other substructures of economy.

The RA Government deems topical the elimination of the obstacles for the development of the small and medium entrepreneurship.

More than three dozens of deputies registered for addressing questions to the Prime Minister on the programme. The questions related to the provisions of the programme, the programmes to be implemented in different spheres, the compulsory accumulating pensions, the gas tariffs, the steps aimed at the improvement of the scientists' social condition, the size of the minimum salary, etc.

The debate of the issue “On Approving the RA Government Programme” will continue at the NA May 21 sitting.

Under the Article 104 of the NA Rules of Procedure, on the same day the package of draft laws “On Amending the RA Electoral Code,” “On Amending the RA Law on the NA Rules of Procedure” and “On Amending the RA Law on Constitutional Court” authored by the ARF faction deputies.

Levon Martirosyan presented the negative conclusion of the NA Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs, The RA Deputy Minister of Justice Grigor Muradyan says that the government deems inexpedient passing into 100 percent majoritarian electoral system.

A group of deputies, as Edmon Marukyan, Aram Manukyan, Levon Martirosyan Manvel Badeyan, Hovhannes Sahakyan, Samvel Farmanyan, Vahan Babayan, Naira Zohrabyan, Khosrov Harutyunyan and Hovhannes Margaryan delivered speeches on the bill.

In parallel with the NA sitting a secret ballot of the appointment of the RA CB Chairman was held. The Chairman of the NA Ad-hoc Accounting Committee Sukias Avetisyan has informed the attendees that 79 deputies have taken part in the secret ballot, 77 from them voted for Arthur Javadyan and 2 deputies voted against him. This, the RA CB Governor was appointed Arthur Javadyan.

The last hour of the sitting, in accordance with the NA Rules of Procedure, was allotted to the deputies’ announcements.

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