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First Armenian Parliamentary Friendship Assembly held in Yerevan


On June 18 first session of the Armenian Parliamentary Friendship Assembly (APFA) established on the initiative of the RA National Assembly Speaker Artur Baghdasaryan at the NA Sitting Hall. Artur Baghdasaryan chaired the Assembly. National Assembly deputies, MPs of Armenian origin from around 25 countries who are also involved in the Parliamentary Friendship Groups of their respective countries, ambassadors, representatives of NGOs, clerics, high-ranking guests participated in the Assembly.

Opening the first session of the AFPA and greeting those in attendance NA Speaker Artur Baghdasaryan expressed a hope that the sitting will prove fruitful and a structure will be established which will make its input to the resolution of the national importance and expressed his certitude that the Assembly will lay a foundation to a large and good affair.

Artashes Tumanyan, head of the presidential staff, read out the welcoming speech of the RA President Robert Kocharyan. The President hailed the idea to convene the Assembly and weighted cooperation of parliamentary friendship groups from different countries. The President expressed a hope that the Assembly will encourage closer and targeted mutual cooperation. The President expressed his gratitude to Armenia’s friends who being represented at Parliaments of different countries contribute to Armenia’s development as well as to those MPs of Armenian origin who put their efforts to ensure political and economic surge of their historical Motherland. “The Armenian Parliamentary Friendship Assembly can have bright prospects. The speed of political developments in the modern world, promotion of the international integration bring about new issues which cannot be solved by individual efforts of a single country,” reads the message. Concluding the speech the Armenian President wished the participants fruitful partnership and success to the benefit of Armenia, which will promote friendship among peoples.

Arshak Archimandrite Khachatryan read out the blessing speech of Garegin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians. The Supreme Patriarch hailed the convention of the APFA in Armenia and sent the blessing of Holy See St Echmiadzin to all the participants. “We hail the fair spirit of friendship which encourages the convention of the Assembly seeking to building of new life in Armenia through joint efforts, political, economic advances and developments, its cultural re-awakening. We believe that with your heart and on your initiation the Assembly will make its significant contribution to Armenia’s progress as well as will encourage strengthening ties with other Parliaments and mutual cooperation. We pray the God to empower you, lead you in your way and bless all your efforts,” reads the message.

RA Prime Minister Andranik Margaryan greeted the participants in the Assembly. In particular, the RA PM said: “The initiative to convene such and assembly seeking to fulfill yet another important pan-Armenian idea the foundation to which was laid at Armenia-Diaspora Forum is valuable and extremely important.” Apart from rapprochement of relations established and working to ensure their efficiency, efficient application of international experience to the development of parliamentarism the Assembly comprised of MPs of Armenian origin elected to various representative state governance bodies and public figures and politicians, the Assembly has another issues to attend to, in particular, representation of our state that has opted for the way to democratic and economic liberation international arena, raising recognition strengthening ties between Armenia and Diaspora efficient use of the Diaspora’s potential to the strengthening of the motherland, supporting Diaspora’s mission seeking to preserve Armenians, extending activities seeking to achieve the world-wide recognition of the Armenian Genocide, ensure multilateral and objective presentation of the Nagorno Karabakh problem, presentation of century-old spiritual-cultural values of the Armenian people as human value, Armenia’s involvement in the most important regional and geo-political processes, issues related to augmenting its role and influence, the PM believes. Concluding his speech the MP sounded a hope that the Assembly will rise up to the challenge and will be convened on a regular basis.

NKR National Assembly Chairman Oleg Yesayan read out NKR President Arkady Ghukasyan’s welcoming speech to the participants in the Assembly, which read the establishment of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic was made possible under conditions of political and social reform through the unification of the Armenians spread all over the world. Our task is to lead the NKR along the way to the European integration and elaborate common approach to ensure recognition of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic putting up a nation-wide effort in collaboration with Armenian people’s friends. Mr. Ghukasyan sounded his certitude that the Assembly will efficiently assist to the democratization of the social-political life of Nagorno Karabakh and development of parliamentarism, as well as further joining of Armenians’ efforts seeking to achieve national goals. NKR president came up with an offer to hold one of the sittings of NA Parliamentary Friendship Groups in Nagorno Karabakh.

Greeting the participants on behalf of the NKR NA Mr. Yesayan said that Armenia’s independence, international influence of countries with significant number of Armenian population change of forms and content of relations between Armenian communities and the respective governments, diversification of organizations of motherland and Diaspora imply unbiased assessment of the entire system of internal national relations seeking to re-evaluate them. Consequently, Pan-Armenian union is the main law for the historic progress of the Armenian people while the definition of priority issues and their resolution through the nation-wide unification have historical necessity and unique performance of our compatriots in the matter. Mr. Yesayan credited Parliamentary Friendship Assemblies for warm attitude manifested towards our people and support shown to Armenia.

RA Minister of Foreign Affairs Vardan Oskanyan greeted the participants in the Assembly. Addressing those in attendance RA Foreign Minister sounded his certitude that the Assembly was created at the right time and sounded a hope that the Assembly can lay foundation for profitable partnership, which should be based on reciprocal principles. We should be well aware of existing problems and raise these issues at our parliaments aiding each other to make joint steps forward, for in the modern era of globalization there is no country that will be able to cope with the existing problems on its own. Armenia has recently set itself the task to build democratic, successful country whose people live in peace. Armenia made significant progress along these three key directions, Vardan Oskanyan believes. Currently we’re on the stage where we should step up our efforts in order to reinforce and maintain progress along the aforementioned directions. Solid foundation has been laid upon them we should build a firm building. Addressing the Nagorno Karabakh conflict Mr. Oskanyan pointed out that negotiations on the settlement of the issue are ongoing and Armenia seeks to reach a lasting peace.

Addressing the Assembly NA Speaker Artur Baghdasaryan stressed that Armenia has large Diaspora spread all over the world, many of its representatives play a significant role in the social life of their countries, participate in activities of the legislative and executive branches. They are influential people: recognized politicians, economists and artists. They all are united by the desire to contribute to the prosperity of our country, however quite often they lack viable information, direction in their activities, close communication. “This is how the idea of establishing the Armenian Parliamentary Friendship Assembly germinated, so that we can meet in out motherland, get acquainted and discuss plans for the future. You all understand that it is a good and prospective idea which is testified by your presence in this hall,” said NA Speaker. A few days spent in the Homeland will become an impetus to endeavor big and good deeds for those present, Mr. Baghdasaryan, sounded his certitude. On behalf of the Parliament Mr. Baghdasaryan pledged commitment to assist and encourage those activities.

Mr. Baghdasaryan said he chanced to get acquainted with the members of Parliamentary Friendship groups working in other countries during the official visits to the European countries. These visits steadied his belief that many important and mutually beneficial activities can be carried out.

Today, the Republic of Armenia is a state undergoing steady development with prospects of becoming a prosperous country, NA Speaker ensured. Armenia has overcome difficulties peculiar to a state in transition and has reached a road leading to joining the ranks of civilized and developed countries. “I don’t want the impression to be created that we don’t have any problems, NA Speaker said. “Unfortunately, we do have. And I can’t but mention those.” Creation of new jobs is considered top priority. The living standard can be raised only through ensuring normally paid jobs, reviving industry, increasing productivity of the agriculture. The implementation of the state anti-corruption program is already underway in Armenia, which is supposed to bring about a certain positive shift.

Our country has successfully passed the stage of receiving humanitarian relief today Armenia needs to see the implementation of development projects: creation and exploitation of joint ventures today Armenia needs large investments forwarded to the restoration of the industrial potential, NA Speaker said. Mr. Baghdasaryan attached importance to the development of small and medium businesses, which will bring about the development of the middle class and will enable people with the state assistance to gradually open their own businesses creating jobs for the others. Armenia sees historic and turning point reforms which target the state governance system and the local self-government system as well as legislative, executive and judiciary bodies. The Parliament is discussing the draft project of the RA Constitutional Reform and the new, revised version of our country’s main law is most likely to be put to the referendum next year. The National Assembly also discusses the new Electoral Code, which is the most important document and a warranty for holding fair, free and democratic elections. Attempts are made at improving the Armenian legislation ensuring efficient work of local self-government authorities, which are the core of any statehood. Judiciary reform is also among the key issues, for the state’s image greatly depends on the efficient activities of the system both as perceived by the people and the world community. Armenia witnessed the creation of the political coalition for the first time as a result of the parliamentary elections in 2003, which took over legislative and executive branches. Being the head of the political force NA Speaker stressed that all the members of the coalition are keen to see prompt and expressive resolution.        

Addressing the resolution of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict Mr. Baghdasaryan said that the decade of the cease-fire was marked. Over the 10 years of peace Nagorno Karabakh has turned into an independently functioning state with its own political and economic system. Negotiations seeking to settle the conflict never stopped over the past years. Armenia has always advocated for peaceful, political negotiations accepting the necessity of concessions.

Concluding his speech Mr. Baghdasaryan said: “We expect that returning to your countries you will have the opportunity and a chance to tell your Parliaments about the Assembly and brief on the results of the Assembly, modern Armenia with its statehood, people and problems. We are open to the world and sounding our vocation to the European integration aim at joining the life of the wide world with our identity established though our historic right, our past, present and future history.  I wish success to the first sitting of the APFA and would like to express my certitude that it will become a viable structure seeking to make the Armenians’ voice more audible across the world, bringing Armenia closer and making it more understandable.”

Addressing the Assembly Ara Abrahamyan, President of the World Armenian Congress, stressed we have witnessed Armenians’ putting up join efforts in various spheres over the past years.  Armenia-Diaspora conferences were convened on the initiative of the RA authorities; Pan-Armenian Games became a nice tradition. Efforts made by Armenian scientists, businessmen, and other workers are widely recognized. The process of establishment of new Armenian communities and involvement in social life in the Eastern Europe and former USSR states is underway. The convention of the Assembly is the answer to the imperative of solving tough and difficult issues facing our people, Ara Abrahamyan believes. The realia of creation of the APFA and the World Armenian Congress poses a new issue, i.e. to improve communication channels between the Republic of Armenia and Diaspora.

Addressing modern Armenian statehood and Armenians’ development in general, Mr. Abrahamyan stressed the need to boost the process of seeking mutually acceptable solutions for settling relations with Turkey and Azerbaijan. Mr. Abrahamyan also stressed the necessity to settle the Nagorno Karabakh conflict. The Parliaments of the developed countries, especially the Minsk Group member states, should work out the correct stand on the aforementioned issue, decisions consistent with the Armenian people’s interests be rendered, Mr. Abrahamyan said. As such, the World Armenian Congress is keen to maintain the closest possible relations with the MPs who can assist to the settlement of the conflict forming the correct opinion on the issue in their countries as well as elaboration of proper stance of legislative and executive branches.

Fadey Sargsyan, President of the Armenian National Academy of Sciences, also greeted the participants in the Assembly. The NAS President highlighted the importance of the Assembly for the further development of the Armenian people.

The Armenian Parliamentary Friendship Assembly unanimously approved the Declaration of the Assembly reading as follows: 

“The participants of the first Plenary Session of the Assembly, convening it in the city of Yerevan on June 18, 2004 and

Taking into account the deep roots of the Parliamentary Friendship between the Parliaments of the Republic of Armenia and other states,

Taking as a basis the ties and traditions formed by the Parliamentary Friendship,

Recognizing the establishment and development of democracy as one of the main guarantees of human rights and fundamental freedoms protection, social justice and free market formation and development,

Displaying decisiveness of deepening and development of Parliamentary Friendship and inter-parliamentary ties,

Aiming at uniting the efforts of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia, deputies of Armenian origin presented in the parliaments of different countries of the world and Parliamentary Friendship groups with the National Assembly in deepening democracy in Armenia, joint elaboration of ways of solving Pan-Armenian issues, widening inter-parliamentary ties and effective application of the world experience of developing parliamentarism in the republic,


1.         To welcome the initiative of holding Armenian Parliamentary Friendship Assembly seeking the development and deepening of Parliamentary Friendship of the Republic of Armenia and other countries.

2.         To support the continuous activities of the Armenian Parliamentary Friendship Assembly based on the idea of elaborating democratic processes in Armenia, secure and safe development and prosperity.

3.         To approve the idea of regularly convening Armenian Parliamentary Friendship Assembly.”

NA Standing Committee on Foreign Relations head Armen Rustamyan addressed the development of the inter-parliamentary ties and partnership development, regional problems.

The Armenian Diaspora should prove of high organizational level to ensure viability of common Armenian diplomacy, the speaker said. This will enable us to make big steps towards resolving our common problems, seeking to ensure unification of our compatriots, decentralization of Armenian communities. We have serious work to do in order to implement the three important aspects of the diplomacy. Official diplomacy should be completed by another two important levels: the first being the parliamentary diplomacy, even though first steps toward its establishment have been taken there still remains much to do, the second level is the people’s diplomacy. Our Diaspora is comprised of various public organizations, unions that should aim at developing the people’s diplomacy. They should encourage development of foreign relations with Armenia from which not only Armenia but also those countries with whom these relations are established will win. The development of the inter-parliamentary relations should ensure direct communication and feedback, which will help our viewpoints on general directions in the foreign policy to be elaborated to a degree that could be perceived everywhere. Taking into account our image in the world we will definitely go in the wrong direction if we chose to isolate from the rest of the world. The Assembly can encourage the settlement of these problems for here are persons involved in state activities in their countries and are well aware of the perception of the Armenia’s policy have assembled in the Hall. Their observations and recommendations are very important for the elaboration and perfection of our positions.

Mr. Rustamyan also attached importance to protecting the rights of our citizens and foreigners of Armenian origin all over the world and at the international organizations. Our delegations at various international organizations, assemblies should do their best to ensure the implementation of our position on the development of inter-parliamentary relations.

We should join our efforts in order to ensure the implementation of our principles on the regional problems. Many conflicts exist in our region, which often impede the development of the regional cooperation. Taking into account these realia we should elaborate the programs to ensure their viability. The viable first principle on which the newly elected Georgian President has already declared his position is the expansion of various forms and types of cooperation coupled with the settlement of the existing conflicts. It is not the cooperation that should be conditioned by the resolution of the conflicts, but to reach the resolution of the conflicts, create common economic space in the South Caucasus through shaping the atmosphere of cooperation and trust.

Ukraine Supreme Rada MP Never Mkhitaryan passed to the Assembly greeting of the Ukraine President, hailed Pan-Armenian efforts to build the country with joint endeavor. Ukraine is keen to develop multilateral relations with Armenia, in particular, in the high tech sphere, he assured.

Islamic Republic of Iran Parliament MP Gevorg Vardanean assured Iran is keen to see Armenia prosperous, establishment of bilateral political and economic relations while the Iranian Armenian community and MPs of Armenian origin spare no effort seeking to boost relations.

John Geragosian, Representative of Connecticut General Assembly, informed that even though many US states have recognized the Armenian Genocide, however the Congress is still reluctant to adopt the resolution.  The US Armenian Diaspora is so strong and consistent that will ensure spread and recognition of the historical truth by the American community and at the state authorities.

Active regional cooperation between Armenia and Georgia together with promotion of inter-parliamentary ties can create prerequisites for the resolution of serious regional problems, Georgian Parliament MPs Vakhtang Kolbaya and Van Bayburd assessed.

Representatives of Romanian, Estonian and Cyprus Parliaments assured the adhesion of their countries to the European Union can be of use and encourage the development of Armenia-EU relations, Armenia’s joining that influential European structure.

Later, the participants in the Assembly addressed the Armenian Genocide, Armenia-Diaspora relations, Nagorno Karabakh conflict, meeting modern challenges.

Levon Mkrtchyan, head of the NA ARF faction, brought up the issue of reaching international recognition of the Armenian Genocide provoked and carried out by the Ottoman Empire. Considerable progress has been registered in terms of reaching the world recognition of the Armenian Genocide over the past years, reaching a new level and registering significant success, the speaker said. Levon Mkrtchyan termed the international recognition of the Armenian Genocide by the international community as the manifestation of unified national will. The speaker defined the international recognition of the Armenian Genocide not the objective but a means, the means to reach the goal: “The international recognition of the Genocide can shape atmosphere where the world will recognized our lost rights and the reality to which the Armenian people were subjected will be recognized,” he said.

As such the speaker pointed to the recognition of the Armenian genocide and their own fault by Turkey. This will testify to their repentance and non-repetition of the crime, for “without repentance there is no pardon,” the ARF faction head stated.

Levon Mkrtchyan singled out two key issues: international recognition of the NKR right, international recognition of the Armenian Genocide.

The idea of the international recognition of the Nagorno Karabakh’s right continues Vahram Atanesyan, head of the NKR National Assembly Standing Committee on Foreign Relations, who believes that the MPs participating in the Assembly can significantly assist to the process.

Presenting the problems of the Armenian community of Georgia Georgian MP Hamlet Movsisyan stated that the Georgian Armenians “are the sector of the Armenian Diaspora that cannot help just vice versa, they are the ones in need of the motherland’s assistance.”

Lebanon has recognized the Armenian Genocide, Lebanese Parliament MP Yeghia Djeredjian stated weighting the importance of strengthening Motherland-Diaspora relations cooperating in economic, cultural, educational, political spheres.  The Assembly “is the cornerstone of political relations between the states and the link strengthening the Motherland-Diaspora relations” the speaker said.

Mher Shahgeldyan, RA National Assembly on Standing Committee on Defence, National Security and Internal Affairs, spoke on the issue “Armenia and Modern Challenges” included on the agenda. The range of the modern challenges is wide: the development of economic sphere, necessity to develop new technologies, equal distribution of the results, resolution of the Nagorno Karabakh issue via negotiation, etc, the speaker said. NA MP also addressed other ways to the resolution of the conflict seeing them in the realization of energy, scientific, intellectual potential. The speaker attached importance to the generation of the Pan-Armenian virtual space, parliamentary friendship groups as well as further strengthening of the international relations.

Speaking on Motherland-Diaspora relations Iranian Parliament MP Gevorg Vardanean attached importance to the issue of preservation of national identity among the Diaspora and steps boosting the process under globalization.

The idea that «while massacred our ancestors preserved the nation, the religion», that is they are martyrs and not merely victims should be impressed on the youth, Ukrainian Parliament MP Nver Mkhitaryan believes. NA MP Mkrtich Minasyan supported this idea. Mr. Minasyan also suggested being consistent while implementing the tasks stipulated in the Declaration of the Assembly.

Issues related to scientific, technical, educational and cultural spheres were scheduled for discussion within the framework of the agenda of the APFA. Hranush Hakobyan, head of the NA Standing Committee on Science, Education, Culture and Youth, presented the aforementioned matters. Addressing the initiative of gathering MPs of Armenian origin in their Motherland, Mrs. Hakobyan assessed it as an opportunity of presenting Armenians' solidarity to the world. The Committee Chairman addressed new obstacles revealed under the new social realia: poverty, unemployment, polarization of society and regress in the education sphere. Meanwhile, the speaker claimed, scientific and educational as well as cultural development are directly dependent on the economic development as well as poverty reduction. Despite the present difficulties, which mainly can be accounted for by objective reasons, the state carries out reforms in the aforementioned spheres. Even though financial funding of the spheres is rather limited, for instance the outlays to the sphere of science comprise merely 1% of the state budget; the government has opted for the policy of gradually increasing the budget outlays. “We have strong intellectual potential, however it isn’t used efficiently,” says Mrs. Hakobyan. According to the data she presented, our country can boast some 10,000 scientists. As for the education sphere, here the situation is the least alarming: today Armenia stands out among and can compete with the developed countries in terms of high level of education and literacy. The MP briefed the participants in the Assembly on the state policy, priorities for the sphere. She highlighted the necessity of waging campaign against obliteration of cultural values; the issue became urgent taken the Turks’ practice of destroying Armenian monuments.

Mrs. Hakobyan also pointed to the ongoing work seeking to create appropriate legal grounds in order to cope with the aforementioned issues and reform the sphere.

Robert Beglarean representing the Islamic Republic of Iran spoke on students of Armenian or foreign origin studying in Armenia emphasizing the necessity to encourage and support them not only if they have elected Armenian studies to concentrate on but also give them an opportunity to major in exact sciences. The Iranian Armenian offered to create a scientific manual with the participation of Armenian scientists: preserve all the valuable materials in Armenia and use them for the economy’s development.

MP Mher Shahgeldyan addressed the necessity of increasing the role of Parliament Friendship groups set up at various parliaments seeking to normalize legislation, ratify the international treaties as well as to ensure information exchange. Active work of Parliament Friendship groups will contribute to the development of parliamentary diplomacy, Mr. Shahgeldyan is certain. The MP called to ensure country's prosperity joining efforts.

Gagik Melikyan, secretary of the Republican Party of Armenia faction, spoke on behalf of the faction. He listed Armenia's achievements over the recent years mentioning high rate of the economic growth. However, the poverty index still remains high, so the all-Armenian objective should be formulated as ensuring prosperity and high standard of living for Armenians residing in Armenia itself as well as abroad.

Galina Grigoryants representing the Russian Federation called to pass the law on dual citizenship.

MP Levon Mkrtchyan, ARF faction head read out the statement adopted by the Assembly:

"The Armenian Parliamentary Friendship Assembly, considering at its first session the problems faced by the Armenian nation and the Republic of Armenia the 21st century, guided by the resolve to withstand the global challenges, affirms that:

-         as an organization of elected representatives of people in different states, the Assembly will comprehensively contribute to the establishment of peace,  dialogue and cooperation between civilizations and nations;

-         considers unacceptable and condemns any manifestation of violation of free will of peoples, discrimination, terrorism as well as national and human rights flouts. The Armenian people, as a nation subjected to Genocide and permanent violation of their rights, know well from the history that there is no forgiveness without regret and the recognition of crime and reparation is the best guarantee not to repeat the crime.

The Armenian Parliamentary Assembly sees its mission in:

-         contributing to the economic, cultural and political progress of the Republic of Armenia;

-         uniting the forces of the Armenian people and its friends in order to gradually overcome the problems encountered by Armenia, to solve fairly the Nagorno Karabakh conflict in a peaceful way, to strengthen the international prestige of Armenia as well as to continue the progress of the international recognition of the Armenian Genocide.”

The Assembly Presidium was formed at the final sitting. NA Chairman Artur Baghdasaryan was elected Chairman of the Assembly. NA Vice Speakers Tigran Torosyan and Vahan Hovhannisyan as well as Russian Duma Vice Speaker Georgy Boos, Francois Rochebloine, head of the Armenian Caucus of the French National Assembly, Ukraine Supreme Rada MP, Armenia-Ukraine Friendship Group chairman Nver Mkhitaryan, NKR NA Chairman Oleg Yesayan, IRI Parliament MP Gevorg Vardanean were elected Vice Chairmen. On the proposal of NA Speaker RF State Duma Vice Chairman Artur Chilingarov was also elected APFA Vice Chairman. The Armenian Parliamentary Friendship Assembly set up 6 committees: on national issues, economy and environmental protection, science, education and culture, inter-parliamentary relations, European integration affairs, legislative reform and information whose co-chairs were elected to the APFA Presidium: each of the committees will have a head elected from the RA NA, the other co-chair will represent a foreign parliament.

On June 19 the activities of the Armenian Parliamentary Friendship Assembly will pursue and be wrapped by press conference.

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