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Press Conference in the Parliament
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On June 10 the press conference of the representatives of the PAP, the ANC, the ARF and the Heritage factions was held, and the Head of the Heritage faction Rubik Hakobyan read the statement comprised of 12 items presented by the NA four non-power forces, where it says that the abovementioned factions confirm the resoluteness of making fundamental changes and enlivening the political and economic system in Armenia, using joint efforts to put Armenia on the path of development. The forces included in the quartet announce the sovereignty of Armenia, the NKR independence, the ensuring of security, the peaceful and fair settlement of the problem are of prior principality. In these issues any retreat is inadmissible, and the decisions to be made should exclusively be with the participation of the community and the parliament. The quartet records that the joint initiatives and the public events has already given results. The National Assembly has become a platform of serious public and political debates between the power and the opposition. Essential steps have been taken in the direction of elimination of the compulsory component in the law on pensions. The joint efforts aimed at expressing distrust to the former government have given results, etc. In the created situation the quartet is convinced that urgent measures are necessary for preventing the emigration and the economic collapse, restoring the people’s trust towards their own state and beginning a process of fundamental changes. Stemming from the abovementioned, the quartet presents the following prior requirements to the authorities expecting them to be implemented by the end of September 2014:

1. Eliminate the compulsory accumulative component; return the taxes made from the salaries to the citizens. Fully implement the decision of the Constitutional Court of April 2, 2014. Form the new system on the principles of including all society layers and boosting the voluntary accumulative component.

2. Revise the systems of video and photo equipment, functioning of red lines, as a result of their use reach the specific weight of the state and community budget entries minimum 75 per cent, define that the maximum sizes of fines and payments cannot exceed 10 per cent of the minimum monthly salary.

3. Reduce the rates of the turnover tax minimum three times. According to the adequate development of the marzes, the rates of the turnover tax for the entities with small turnover reduce to zero. Rise the maximum threshold of turnover from 58,35mln AMD to 150mln AMD, the patent payments from the defined 9mln AMD to 15mln AMD.

4. At least duplicate the volumes of subsidies being provided for the agricultural food production, water irrigation and credits. Establish a distinct mechanism for unification of the subsidies, directly providing them to farm and village household, make payments for actual use of the irrigation water.

5. Turn the currency credits into AMD in the sphere of agriculture. Obtain from banks the credit overdue obligations up to 3mln AMD by June 1, 2014, define 5-year term maturity period without interest rate counting. Refinance the agricultural credit liabilities of more than 3mln AMD with 5-year term maturity period to new credits with maximum 8 percent annual interest rate.

6. Confirm the refunctioning programme of Nairit Factory CJSC, pay the accumulated debt of the employees’ salaries. Shape a Parliamentary Ad-hoc Committee studying the activity of Nairit in the past years.

7. Exclude the sale of the property of Vorotan Hydro-Electric Station Complex CJSC (privatization) without the National Assembly approval.

8. Exclude the rise of public transport fees in the functioning vehicle system. Establish a united system of accessible, secure and qualified public transport sub-structure.

9. Adopt a legislative package including mechanisms of eliminating the formed actual economic monopolies and guaranteeing free economic activity.

10. Make amendments to the Electoral Code, by which the next elections of the National Assembly will be held through 100 percent proportional electoral system, as well as the issue the polls signed by the voters participated in the elections immediately after the end of the elections in the polling stations and during two days, according to the search of the polling stations and by the possibility of downloading, post them in the official website of the Central Electoral Station.

11. Provide the adoption of the legislative package on opposition endowing the opposition with the control functions.

12. Do n ot sign any international agreement by which change of relations established between Armenia and the NKR is designed, including the united economic regime.

Realizing that the only guarantor of the fundamental changes will be the people, in autumn the quartet at the Liberty Square will convene a national meeting of the Armenian citizens, where the fulfillment of the requirements will be summed up and a decision will be made for further joint actions.

The representatives of the NA non-power forces, the Head of the Heritage faction Rubik Hakobyan, the Secretary of the PAP faction Naira Zohrabyan, the Head of the ANC faction Levon Zurabyan and the Head of the ARF faction Armen Rustamyan signed the statement in the journalists’ presence.

Talking about the document Naira Zohrabyan has noted that in the statement an attempt has been made to affirm the main problems, which the country faces and their solution will essentially promote the improvement of the RA citizen’s situation.

Congratulating the attendees on the occasion of signing the statement Levon Zurabyan has noted it is the result of the big work done by the quartet, which reflects the agreement of the sides and the readiness of taking steps with joint efforts.

Armen Rustamyan has noted that in the statement the joint evaluations, approaches, concrete recommendations and realistic steps of the quartet are presented. According to Mr Rustamyan, if the new government with its steps wishes to gain confidence, then it should call on the solutions of all problems, which expects the society.

Rubik Hakobyan has informed that by signing the statement the activity of the quartet does not end, the four political forces will continue their work.

The representatives of the PAP, ANC, ARF and Heritage factions also answered the journalists’ questions.

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