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RA NA Deputy Speaker Meets with the Members of Yezidi National Union
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On August 23 the RA NA Deputy Speaker Eduard Sharmazanov met with the members of Yezidi National Union. At the meeting the issue of violence against the Yezidis of the North of Iraq and the present situation were discussed.

The NA Vice President considered the mess violence against the Yezidi population in the North of Iraq based on national and religious intolerance in the 21st century inadmissible. Eduard Sharmazanov assured that the issue is at the centre of the RA President Serzh Sargsyan’s, as well as the ruling RPA Party’s attention, and Armenia is ready in its capacity to support and back up the friendly Yezidi people.

The President of Yezidi Natioanl Union Aziz Tamoyan presented the current situation and thanked for the support of the RA authorities. He noted that the Yezidi community expects Armenia ’s support in voicing the problem in the international structures.

The RA NA Deputy Speaker Eduard Sharmazanov attached importance to the voicing of the tragic events against the Yezidi people in different international structures, expressing willingness to raise the issue also on parliamentary platforms.

In the course of the meeting an arrangement was made to meet regularly and discuss problems in the future.

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