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Next Four-day Sittings of the RA National Assembly Begin
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On September 29 the parliament began the work of the next four-day sittings.

After approving the agendas of the NA session and the four-day sittings the National Assembly by voting passed the legislative initiatives debated in the previous sitting, the Financing Agreement on Social Security Administration II Program between the Republic of Armenia and the International Development Association.

Then the parliament in the first reading debated the bill “On Amending the RA Law on Parties” authored by the NA deputies Galust Sahakyan, Hayk Babukhanyan, Margarit Yesayan and Karine Atshemyan.

The member of RA NA Standing Committee on Protection of Human Rights and Public Affairs Alexander Arzumanyan presented the endorsement of the bill.

The parliament in the second reading debated the bill “On Industrial Policy” authored by the NA deputies Meikayel Melkumyan, Hermine Naghdalyan and Naira Zohrabyan.

Then the parliament debated the draft law “On Amending the RA Law ‘NA Rules of Procedure’ authored by the NA deputies Rubik Hakobyan, Zaruhi Postanjyan and Tevan Poghosyan.

The NA Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs endorsed the draft law. Exchange of thoughts on the draft law took place.

The RA NA Speaker Galust Sahakyan delivered an extraordinary speech on the bill. Considering welcoming the colleagues’ submitted legislative initiative, he has noted that the draft law is presented in time and is inclined to provide the regular work of the NA sittings. The NA Speaker has noticed that the amendments designed by the bill will have a positive impact, and the deputies will fulfill their activity more reserved.

The NA Deputy Speaker Eduard Sharmazanov also delivered an extraordinary sitting. The NA Deputy Speaker urged the colleagues to express fair criticism on different issues.

The NA deputies Tevan Poghosyan, Edmon Marukyan, Khosrov Harutyunyan, Hovhannes Sahakyan, Heghine Bisharyan, Artsvik Minasyan, Koryun Nahapetyan and Gagik Jhangiryan gave speeches on the draft law.

In the final speech the member of the NA Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs Levon Martirosyan has reminded the deputies that the Committee has endorsed the bill in case if the provisions concerning the Criminal Code are removed.

In the summing-up speech the key rapporteur Zaruhi Postanjyan urged her colleagues to vote for the adoption of the bill.

The parliament has debated the technical agreement on Cooperation and Support within the Framework of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon Sighed between the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Armenia and the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Italy signed in Brussels on June 3, 2014. The key speaker, the RA Deputy Defense Minister Ara Nazaryan gave details concerning the agreement.

The debate of the issue will continue at the tomorrow’s sitting of the National Assembly.

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