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Discussions on Programme Budgeting in the Parliament
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On October 8 a professional discussion on programme budgeting was held moderated by the Chairman of the NA Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs Hovhannes Sahakyan and the Chairman of the RA NA Standing Committee on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs Gagik Minasyan, where the NA deputies, the employees and experts of the RA Ministries of Justice and Finance, the RA Judicial Department took part. The seminar was organized by the USAID within the framework of SANAP and the the Deustche Geselschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit/ German International Cooperation Company (GIZ).

Gagik Minasyan has informed the attendees that the goal of the discussion is to deepen the participants’ awareness on programme budgeting. And with that purpose similar discussions are scheduled to organize twice a year before and after the budgeting discussions.

The GIZ expert Suren Poghosyan presented for discussion the indices of the programme budgeting of the RA Ministry of Justice, the RA Constitutional Court, the RA General Prosecutor’s Office, the RA Judicial Department, the RA Central Electoral Commission, the RA Civil Service Council, the RA Public Services Regulatory Commission and noted the shortcomings.

On the same day a joint professional discussion on programme budgeting of the NA Standing Committees on Agriculture and Environment and on Financial-Credit and Budgetary Affairs was held. The NA deputies, the experts of the NA Standing Committees, and employees of the RA Ministry of Agriculture and the Control Chamber took part in the discussion. Gagik his word has noted that the goal of the discussion is to raise the level of knowledge of programme budgeting in relevant spheres.

The GIZ expert Edward Safaryan presented the executive main indices of the programmes in the agricultural sphere, their structure and current budgeting being used in the documents. Mr Safaryan has briefed the analysis of the programme classification and non-financial indices of the agricultural sphere of the state budget expenditures for 2014. Then the experts made proposals which related to the programme classification structure of the expenditures being allocated from the state budget, the non-financial indices of the sphere, programmes passports, benefit and expenditure analysis.

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