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RA NA Deputy Speaker Meets with the Representatives of the UNICEF Armenia
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On November 3 the RA NA Deputy Speaker Hermine Naghdalyan met with Henriette Ahrens, UNICEF Representative in Armenia, Zara Sargsyan, Head of the Communications Project and Mary Poghosyan, Head of the Education Programs.

The guests informed the attendees that on the eve of the 25th anniversary of the Convention on Rights of the Child the UNICEF together with the parliaments of the different countries, including the RA National Assembly had undertaken a series of events concerning the protection of children’s rights. At the meeting issues regarding the format of holding those events and the agenda were discussed.

Welcoming the guests the RA NA Deputy Speaker Hermien Naghdalyan highlighted the activity of the UNICEF Armenia Office in the sphere of protection of children’s rights. Mrs Naghdalyan has noted that the problem of the protection of children’s rights is always at the center of attention of the RA National Assembly. She has expressed conviction that the joint events and programs relating to the children’s problems will be continuous and has highlighted in the near future the organization of the discussion concerning the reforms of the education sphere with the participation of those responsible for the sphere.

The Representative of UNICEF Armenia Henriette Ahrens has noted that she has been convinced that the legislation relating to the protection of children’s rights is at the center of attention of the Armenian Parliament, and in that context has highlighted the activation of cooperation between the RA National Assembly and the UNICEF. She has noted that they cooperate over the legislative issues on protection of children’s rights with the RA NA Standing Committees.

In the course of the meeting the sides also touched upon the legislative reforms aimed at the pre-school and secondary professional education and the protection of children’s rights.

The Representative of UNICEF Armenia Henriette Ahrens has noted that she has been convinced that the legislation relating to the protection of children’s rights is at the center of attention of the Armenian Parliament, and in that context has highlighted the activation of cooperation between the RA National Assembly and the UNICEF. She has noted that they cooperate over the legislative issues on protection of children’s rights with the RA NA Standing Committees.

In the course of the meeting the sides also touched upon the legislative reforms aimed at the pre-school and secondary professional education and the protection of children’s rights.

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