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Parliamentary Hearings are Organized
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On December 12 in the Armenian-American Health Center at the initiative of the RA NA Standing Committee on Health Care, Maternity and Childhood parliamentary hearings on the theme “The Investment of the Palliative Medical Care” were held. The RA NA deputies, representatives of the related ministries, regional municipalities, health care organizations, internal and local NGOs and doctors took part in the hearings.

During the hearings the Chairman of the RA NA Health Car, Maternity and Childhood Ara Babloyan has noted that the palliative medical care is comparatively new in Armenia, though the problem is not new in our country, and the approaches, which should be discussed, are not yet classified.

During the illnesses threatening danger to life and incurable illnesses, the palliative medical care is a complex aid being provided to the seriously ill patient and his/her family members, which includes social-psychological support facilitating the medical, as well as the patient’s and his/her relatives’ concerns.

Welcoming the participants of the discussion, the RA Minister of Healthcare Armen Muradyan has talked about the programs being implemented in that sphere. To Armen Muradyan’s assessment, similar events give opportunity to discuss the existing problems and programmes.

Open Society Funds-Armenia NGO Executive Director Larisa Minasyan has noted that the year 2014 is a significant one for palliative medical care, as the UN World Health Organization has adopted a declaration, according to which, the palliative care has been recognized an inseparable part of medical care, and in 2015 necessary events will be implemented to make it accessible for the population.

Hrant Karapetyan, PhD, Head of the Armenian Pain Control & Palliative Care Association, Candidate of Medical Sciences has presented the importance of the investment of palliative medical care in Armenia.

The discussion was finalized with Q & A session, and the concerned departments presented recommendations.

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